Rider down in Missisauga

Glad your feeling better and finally getting out of the hospital:)
glad you are up and posting again girl....keep your head up it only gets easier...cheers
Thankyou everyone! I'm doing really well, walking and finally getting around. Completely relying on my self now! no tubes or oxygen! going home tomorrow they say. Bike is in better shape though, so hopefully a quick fix. Recovering really fast so hopefully i will be able to take at least one more spin before the snow comes. Thankyou for all the support! Went outside today and saw two gixxers. Had to beg my mom to go back inside cuz i was so jealous. It's gonna be a boring and jealous summer. Still can't remember anything, one sec i was riding, the next, i couldn't feel anything except branches. Doing well now though!

Hey Mavelick! Glad to hear that you're doing well, and seems like you've already been through toughest part of recovery. I wish you all the best, and hope to see you back on that motorcycle soon enough! You may be a young rider, but your maturity truly shows. Stay strong! :thumbup:
What a blessing to hear this young lady is on the mend, with a positive attitude.

I hope the recovery goes well and that you're back on two wheels as soon as you're able
I wish there were more good outcomes like this, I am glad you are doing well...keep it up. And ride safe ofcourse
I go to the Starbucks on Mississauga RD n Dunda everyday and look forward to those curves. They are fun but rodents and deer (i knoW) is always a risk there. Almost hit one last year right by UTM. So happy youre doing good and hope youll be back on the bike soon :)
I've been wondering lately how you've been...never heard anything on the news updating the story. Good to know you're on the mend, doing well and in such good spirits (aside from being bummed about missing riding)! The time period around your crash was bad for riders :( It's really nice to hear a good story from that week.
So glad to hear you are doing so much better and in such great spirits!
As speedy a recovery the rest of the way! :)
I've been wondering lately how you've been...never heard anything on the news updating the story. Good to know you're on the mend, doing well and in such good spirits (aside from being bummed about missing riding)! The time period around your crash was bad for riders :( It's really nice to hear a good story from that week.

I'm doing lots better, getting back to my independence now. Haven't seen the bike yet as it is at my dad's work in Milton but apparently it is in much better shape than i was sadly for me but happily that it won't be a tough fix. Broken mirrors and a signal light, left side fairing is broken apart but luckily it is the side we have the spare for (Save about $200 right there) and an oil leak. It needed a tune up anyway so we're gonna do that also. Should take less than a week to fix up. Gonna give myself another week or two to mend a bit more and then i really want to spend some time with it. Hoping to be able to ride at least once by the end of the season. other than that only a bit of scratching. Its a 94 so the cosmetics don't really matter all that much to me, just as long as it works. It is our first Street bike so it worked perfectly for us. I'd be so upset if i broke up a newer bike. I know i should be worried about my mending, but as most other riders i know, you can't help but think about your bike. It bugs me lots that i can't be out there with you guys but i know it will be soon. Thank god to my youth as i have many years ahead for riding. Just bummed my summer is screwed. Still unable to remember what happened but i'm pretty sure the weight and size of my Katana helped save my life. It is a huge bulky bike and slowed us down a bit.

I'll be back soon!
Glad to hear you are doing much better!
happy that your ride will require little to get it back on its wheels too!

Hang in there girl you have a great attitude.... and thats so important for healing as well.
Great news. Always nice to read a possitive post.
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