Ride Report - 2024 Nouveaux Angleterre et Gaspe | Page 2 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Ride Report - 2024 Nouveaux Angleterre et Gaspe

Wonderful write up and great memories for me riding a fair amount of that route with my son. Even the rain brought up memories of shivering on the ferry from the north coast - no heat and we were soaked...12c and pouring ....Kenz insisted on go-karting. :rolleyes: Being in full mcycle gear was useful.
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Then glorious sun on the S shore on the way to Gaspe. Great pics too. Did not know you could walk to the rock.
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The road through Parc Mauricie is a riders dream when not busy...you likely recall this. Kenz blitzed the road on his FZ8 - waited patiently for me to catch upScreen Shot 2024-10-20 at Oct, 20    2024    8.57.24 AM.jpg

and your weather...wow. (y) Very nice - thanks Shane.
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Good thing you’re back!


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Sounds like an awesome trip. I've asked this before here and will ask you, which would you choose: the Cabot Trail or the Gaspe?
Interesting note about South Lavant Rd #16 Shane, and another awesome ride report!

Thanks for taking the time to share 🙏

Will have to try and get out that way sometime!

Hopefully we'll have some good riding weather to enjoy the local fall colours too
Sounds like an awesome trip. I've asked this before here and will ask you, which would you choose: the Cabot Trail or the Gaspe?
I liked Gaspe better, because for me, the scenery was more expansive, bigger, bolder and more vibrant. There's also more interesting roads nearby or to/from, which is also a big plus for what I want when I'm riding. I also found it much quieter along the Gaspe area, but that could be the time of year, since I was in Cabot Trail in July.

The Cabot was really nice and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but I found it much busier and slower. I believe that it's all been repaved so that would help the traffic move faster, especially if they added some pull-out's. Everyone there also speaks English if that is a concern to you.

They are both extremely beautiful - life is short - go see both:)
I agree with Gaspé if you had to choose but both seems worth the effort. Nice to hear it is newly paved. Cabot Trail covers geographic features ranging from near Tundra on the north coast to a Carolinian Forest 1,000 km north of the norm.
The Island is actually a broken off part of South Africa. If you do Cabot, stop at Meat Cove and go on a whale watching ride.
One of my early digital photos was his splash screen a while back. Dumb luck shot with spout whale and sunset lining up on a 2mp Kodak that "thought" about every shot.
1729563258303.png Very personable and knowledgeable staff
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