Ride north this weekend?


Your gear save your A** as well other bits, big time.

On another note, Wednesday my son was riding and got cutoff by a car cutting across from right lane to the left turn lane. My son could not
avoid and t-boned the drivers door. Son ended up at Sunnybrook Trauma, still there.
omg I am very sorry to hear this!I hope he gets well soon! This has truly been a very sad year for riders!
... and the same to you
I had my first group
Ride as well. Following people is the most dangerous thing on a bike. Trying to keep up up imitate. I think perhaps we should have separate boobie rides for us. I am looking for feedback on my riding and to improve. And meet a bunch of nice people. Good to hear you're doing fine! Ride safe guys. This *^%# is not worth permanent damage.
This is true. But still. I still felt a lot of pressure to keep up as there were bikers ahead of me
And behind me. Perhaps it takes getting used to. They did wait. But no one wants to be the slowest of the bunch.
...But no one wants to be the slowest of the bunch.

check your ego at the door when you put on your helmet.
Agreed. I learned a lot. But still think rides should be split into types of bikes or perhaps riding ability. But I have def learned to ride my own pace!
Thanks for the tips. Thinks what I look for! Now some cornering advice and feedback. Who wants to ride soon?
But no one wants to be the slowest of the bunch.

I sweep just to be the slowest of the bunch. I like knowing others in front of me are safe and if anyone gets dropped then there's always someone behind with them. It's not a race. Spirited sure but like I said any good group either splits I to more than one or the rules/talk come before anyone rides anywhere starting with don't try to keep up. Ride your own pace. Faster riders will wait before a turn or if they don't see anyone behind them for a while. I've been on many rides that end up that way and have yet to experience any issues.
how are the roads up there? planning to ride tomorrow from Scarborough - Peterborough, north on 507,west on 503 then continue on to Orillia. Also, any suggestions on gas stops on this route? Thanks
I wasn't there on the last ride, but it's always been stressed throughout the thread to ride at your limit and that we'd wait at the end of the road. There is never any pressure to ride like Rossi. If riders still choose to push beyond what they're comfortable with... then there is nothing I or anyone else can do.


Ride: tomorrow Sunday August 10 at Morningside and Sheppard Timmies/esso at 7:45am, departing at 8
Route: looking to explore new roads, expect to do 600km round trip (you can break off at any time as long as someone knows)
Pace: speed limit on the straights, highways, and towns (I expect a lot of heat up there tomorrow), quick in the corners.

Please PM or post if you're going to show so I know how many people to expect.

Cheers :)
I am just reading these updates from the last ride I missed,,
wowww Sid I'm glad you're okay buddy! hope the bike is too..
mustRider I hope your fam is okay bro! so crazyy.
so stressful hearing about falling riders all over the place seems like every time I turn on the news another one down..
especially being a commuter on the 401.
be vigilant out there guys, cars don't care, they're in a cage, it's just a game to them.

cant believe I missed this ride too,
Teggy send me pics !! ;)
have fun
I still felt a lot of pressure to keep up as there were bikers ahead of me
And behind me. Perhaps it takes getting used to. They did wait. But no one wants to be the slowest of the bunch.

I wasn't there on the last ride, but it's always been stressed throughout the thread to ride at your limit and that we'd wait at the end of the road. There is never any pressure to ride like Rossi. If riders still choose to push beyond what they're comfortable with... then there is nothing I or anyone else can do.

This is true...there never really is need to feel "pressured". these guys keep to the speed limit on the high ways- not ripping through traffic and all...

In the corners, guys ride at their own pace- I have always felt the need to push myself here but I do it for my own self satisfaction and not because I have to 'keep up'...something I am beginning to think is better left for trackdays...

other than that the pace of the ride is very much acceptable.

The rider who wishes to be sweeper is usually experienced and is also willing to see to it that ALL make it out safe...
You should never really feel pressured by him coming behind your 6. He has accepted that position for this reason...Personally I think it's a great privilage to be given this task as the leader trusts you and your skills well eneough to hand it over.

Ru_see...the more you ride , the better you'll get- just don't be me and try to give 110% on the street :p

Your gear save your A** as well other bits, big time.

On another note, Wednesday my son was riding and got cutoff by a car cutting across from right lane to the left turn lane. My son could not
avoid and t-boned the drivers door. Son ended up at Sunnybrook Trauma, still there.
Wishing your son a speedy recovery!
I was on the ride a few weekends ago when buddy went down. As you can see from the video, I was taking it very easy and the pros to that = no dumping the bike, and the cons to that = no recording of the crash because I'm so far behind the pack!


Cheers, and let's do it again!

almost had a tear in my eye looking at my bike on the ground...good video though...tht curve was do able for sure!

ride safe guys and have fun :)!
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