Richmond Hill riders?

Re: York Region Crew (Sounds good eh)

Two beers & wings I never mind having :) However, witness the leafs win? Man how possible will that be considering that their average looks like one win per month...

yeah, and we traded away our picks for an injured dude with 1 nut!
so I guess not building through the draft. As for Sat the 7th, I cant make it............I'll be too busy riding my bike!
its official!

Beer n wings Next saturday Night (nov the 7th) at 7:30 pm. At Shoeless Joes in Aurora. All welcome (wifes included). See You there.
later Matt.
Saturday's supposed to be 12 degrees and Sunday 14 degrees. How many takers do we have for those two days so we can arrange some rides? :)
im up for saturday depending on where your headed. I was thinkin of hittin up forks of the credit, or hockleyvalley on sat. My bikes up in Alliston anyways.
I am now a Richmond Hill resident as of 2 months ago! So I too would like to hookup with other local riders. Thanks to this thread, I now know there's a meet at Timmie's on Yonge/ Elgin Mills...something to look forward to next season as this season looks pretty much done with.
I am down for the ride on Sunday. its at 1 pm right? I have been a member on this forum for a while now but a little inactive.
looking forward to meet up with u peeps tomorrow.
Im going to be on a red cbr600rr
Beer and Wing Night:
Hey all, great time last night. It was a good turn out and some new faces aswell. Thanx again hope everyone enjoys the last of the nice weather see u at the bike show.
Later Matt
I am good for a ride tomorrow but it would have to be local....Forks, Mono, Hockley etc
Ride tomorrow @11. Look up FB Group for the info.
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I will try to hook up with guys tomorrow but I cannot make it for the 11am meet time.
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