Return of Ford Nation

Half of Ontarians "disapprove" of Ford as leader of the PC party. According to the same polling, the PCs would still have a majority but that could change with every word that comes out of Drug's mouth.

"Half (BTM2: 48%) say they are less likely to vote PC in the next election with Doug Ford as leader, with most of those (41%) saying they are much less likely to do so.

2 in 10 (TOP2: 20%) say they are more likely to vote PC in the next election because of the election of Doug Ford as leader, with one sixth (15%) doing so strongly.

One-quarter (26%) say they are neither more likely nor less likely to vote PC because of Doug Ford.

Few say they are unsure.

Respondents most likely to say they are less likely to vote for the PCs because of Doug Ford include those aged 55-64 (52%), females (50%), living in Eastern Ontario (52%), Toronto (51%), the 905 (49%), and supporting the Ontario Liberals (74%). One quarter (23%) of PC supporters say they are less likely to vote PC because of Doug Ford. Respondents most likely to say they are more likely to vote for the PCs because of Doug Ford include those aged 35-54 (28%) or 65+ (25%), living in Eastern Ontario (21%) or Toronto (24%), and supporting the PCs (40%).

That synopsis should make the PCs nervous. This is Drug's to lose and he may well do it...
Wow -- this post is classic leftist jibber. Read some of my earlier postings, I talk about how leftists confabulate and distort news (FAKE NEWS) -- altered conclusions and omitted details can sure change the meaning of things. The above post is a cherry pick of the poll details presented out of context, it completely ignores the polls conclusion.

Follow Blackfin's Link. That poll concludes PCs will take 84 seats, NDP 29 and Liberals 11. Somehow that detail was overlooked in her/his posting.

Blackfin, if you put this poll on the desks of all 3 party leaders, only one will be nervous. Her name is not Doug.
Hillary and Kathleen has some interesting similarities.

Both are left of center, politically cunning, and smart. They are artful at dodging and handling criticism.

Both are hardheaded, arrogant, and loose their likability as voters get to know them.
Most teachers I have run into recently were interested on how much they make and how many days they get off. If they were so interested in their little ones they might consider how much debt the little ones will carry thanks to bloated salaries.

I know a lot of younger teachers with crap pay and crap working conditions doing several jobs at several schools to make ends meet. They still talk about their kids glowingly though.
I've met a few teachers who just do it because of the paychecks & benefits. Some even blatantly say so.
In this situation the subject matter introduced into the curriculum is certainly factual, no one is doubting that. The complains are delivering content through Wynne's lens, without concern or consultation on how that impacts some very large faith groups. She could have engaged, included and accommodated other views on the subject and we could have the same content covered without the controversey. She didn't. Instead she rammed her ideas thru which seems to be creating some opportunities for her opponents today.

You make it sound like the lady drew up the lesson plans herself.

Which faith groups would be consulted, in your view? Would you teach all of their various views on sex/family/relationships/gender, or only some? Involving faith-based groups is a nonsense point of view, as there are conflicting views among those groups.

Sex-ed (and related information) is needed to be taught to kids in schools. The ones who need it most are the ones whose parents will never give a **** about this discussion, as they're generally absent from their kids lives (for legitimate reasons like long work hours, single parent households, or via non-legitimate reasons like drugs/alcohol/jail/generally not caring). These groups of kids are at the highest risk for teen pregnancy and/or STIs, so giving them the information is very important. As for gender or sexual orientation issues, those are important for anyone living in some crappy redneck community; it teaches kids that it's okay to be transgender or gay, and they don't have to off themselves because they're thinking the devil's thoughts.

If parents want to yank their kids from school on days they're going to talk about dongs and trans people, so be it. People are allowed to keep being stupid, but the education system shouldn't cater to them. The education system is about giving the kids an education, not pushing people's religious agenda or giving everyone a warm fuzzy feeling.
I know a lot of younger teachers with crap pay and crap working conditions doing several jobs at several schools to make ends meet. They still talk about their kids glowingly though.

Try nursing. Lower pay, fewer vacation days, shift work and exposure to more diseases that teachers can spell.
What if he's religious, does he have rights? Oh wait, christians don't get rights, only minority religions. He might be religious & it's against his religious beliefs.

I don't get it, why should we go out of our way to cater to less than 5% of the population?

Don't forget eHealth

I'm no urban planner but blocking up 2 lanes to unload passengers doesn't make sense to me. For an expanding city, subway is the way. Sooner or later it will be used.

There's a difference in believing in something and forcing someone else to believe in it but too often equality is driven by political correctness.

Why should 5% of the population be given consideration? The same reason the 2% that ride motorcycles should, because they're part of society. I'm talking equality not superiority.

The politicals want to level the playing field but the objects on the field aren't liquid or round and stay in place unless the field gets tipped the other way. Suddenly there's an avalanche going the other way.
Try nursing. Lower pay, fewer vacation days, shift work and exposure to more diseases that teachers can spell.

I'll just debunk this;

If we're talking $80k plus then Nursing is right up there, as for vacation some hospitals give 6-8 weeks/yr. Not really that far off from teachers.
Wow -- this post is classic leftist jibber. Read some of my earlier postings, I talk about how leftists confabulate and distort news (FAKE NEWS) -- altered conclusions and omitted details can sure change the meaning of things. The above post is a cherry pick of the poll details presented out of context, it completely ignores the polls conclusion.

Follow Blackfin's Link. That poll concludes PCs will take 84 seats, NDP 29 and Liberals 11. Somehow that detail was overlooked in her/his posting.

Blackfin, if you put this poll on the desks of all 3 party leaders, only one will be nervous. Her name is not Doug.

Not fake news. I simply highlighted sections that were relevant: Despite the PCs having this "anyone but Wynne" advantage, the appointment of Drug Ford as their leader has hurt their brand with half of Ontarians and especially concerning, even among respondents identified as being "PC supporters."

All Drug has to do is demonstrate his wit and acumen in the areas of sex education or religious school funding (like Tory did) and Ontario could easily end up with a minority situation or even an NDP government.

Had you addressed those points and not gone all Trump on us you'd have realized that.
Try nursing. Lower pay, fewer vacation days, shift work and exposure to more diseases that teachers can spell.

When they start out, maybe. With enough seniority and tenure in a good full time position the reality is anything but what you post.

Get some training in a specialized aspect of nursing and the opportunities (and pay/vacation structure) would make a lot of people here very, very jealous.
Not fake news. I simply highlighted sections that were relevant
Not quite. The sections you highlight are stats that support the conclusion - which you clearly forgot to include.

Your post the purest definition of FAKE or ALT NEWS. 1) Take a few snippets from an article or a few words from a speech, 2) quote them out of context 3) create or lead the reader/view to an absurdly alternate conclusion.

Your OP is such a good example I clipped it for teaching purposes.
I'll just debunk this;

If we're talking $80k plus then Nursing is right up there, as for vacation some hospitals give 6-8 weeks/yr. Not really that far off from teachers.

98% of hospitals are union nursing gigs, you wont get 6 weeks till your 20+ yrs, 80K is pretty do able, you can be a specialized nurse and make 90-95K , now if you want to take extra shifts or work multiple hospitals you can hit the 100k sunshine club. Your starting into the game in the $60 range.
You'll work Christmas, Easter and probably 3 out of 8 weekends if your in a 12hr shift rotation.

I'm not jealous at all , ever. They do have the HOOP pension which is pretty good.
Not quite. The sections you highlight are stats that support the conclusion - which you clearly forgot to include.

Your post the purest definition of FAKE or ALT NEWS. 1) Take a few snippets from an article or a few words from a speech, 2) quote them out of context 3) create or lead the reader/view to an absurdly alternate conclusion.

Your OP is such a good example I clipped it for teaching purposes.

How was what I wrote out of context? Go back and re-read the post:

"Half of Ontarians "disapprove" of Ford as leader of the PC party. According to the same polling, the PCs would still have a majority but that could change with every word that comes out of Drug's mouth."

Nothing fake there. Nothing out of context. While noting that the polling says the PCs would still have a majority I opined that Drug could **** it up, and pointed out that the polling also shows a great deal of distaste at his appointment, even among PC supporters. Be sure to include that in your "teaching" lesson about "fake news."

You'll also note that I provided the source link for the reader to go and read in its entirety, for himself. So called "fake" news does not generally include sources or they might rely heavily on "anonymous sources." Not so here. Be sure to include that in your "teaching" lesson.

And while "teaching" this so-called lesson, you might include a primer on comprehension and attention to detail and quick lead-in about how group-think often causes weaker-minded lemmings jump on populist bandwagons, sort of like "fake news", because it suits their agenda.

BTW, why are you capitalizing "fake" and "alt"?
98% of hospitals are union nursing gigs, you wont get 6 weeks till your 20+ yrs, 80K is pretty do able, you can be a specialized nurse and make 90-95K , now if you want to take extra shifts or work multiple hospitals you can hit the 100k sunshine club. Your starting into the game in the $60 range.
You'll work Christmas, Easter and probably 3 out of 8 weekends if your in a 12hr shift rotation..

Disclaimer: My wife has been an RN for 24 years.

Yes, when we first met she was the typical nurse working multiple jobs and rotating shifts. She had just returned from working in the USA for 2 years and was starting to build her way up the chain here. But she got further education, gained new skills, and now works in a specialized aspect of the trade (which I won't go into details of) and makes a very, very good living, has Fridays off all summer, works straight days, and no weekends.

Remember, not all nursing jobs are in hospitals, so think outside that box.

There are few careers where you come straight out of school and fall into a $100K job with 6 weeks of vacation and a pension from year 1. You have to work your way there. Nursing is no different, so I'm not sure why it's judged by different standards.
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Basically anytime people hear something they don't like these days, they just shout FAKE NEWS. It's a term that has lost all meaning due to overuse/misuse.
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Basically anytime people hear something they don't like these days, they just should FAKE NEWS.

Yep. If a particular fact doesn't agree with perceived viewpoint, particular fact must therefore be fake.

Fact checking need not take place.
Disclaimer: My wife has been an RN for 24 years.

Yes, when we first met she was the typical nurse working multiple jobs and rotating shifts. ...

IMO, we don't pay nurses enough money or give them the respect they deserve. The things they see, smell and do on a daily basis would be enough to make most of us gag and vomit. The doctors get the glory, the nurses are left, figuratively and literally, cleaning up the mess. Bless 'em. Funny, despite my mother being an RN it took a 2-week hospital stay in 2013 for a ruptured appendix and an infection bordering on sepsis for me to really grasp the importance of these people and what they do. The surgeon was involved for an hour; the next two weeks were the nurses. Shame it sometimes takes something like that to shine a light on what other people, typically taken for granted, contribute to our societal standard of living.

The same could be said for PSWs that care for our elderly and those with dementia in long-term care facilities...
Basically anytime people hear something they don't like these days, they just shout FAKE NEWS. It's a term that has lost all meaning due to overuse/misuse.
That's not exactly the way it works. 'Fake News' isn't a tag for stories and postings that take snippets of facts or quotes then uses them out of context to produce an alternate conclusion.

The example noted earlier in this thread is a classic definition. A news release (real news) references polls that concluded the PCs would win by a wide margin, the poster clips snippets from that news, uses them out of context,completely changes the conclusion to his own alt-conclusion (FAKE NEWS).
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