Requested disclosure, says paced with calibrated speedo, but no calibration report??

Most current RADAR units are tested internally, electronically, with a couple of button pushes. Tuning forks are, for the most part, gone.

Ah. Well... good. :P
I personally won a case on pacing. The officer never calibrated his speedometer. The J.P. agreed with my ascertion that if the officer wanted to use his speedometer as an accurate measure of my speed he needed to prove his speedometer was accurate.

No proof, reasonable doubt, case dismissed.

Afterwards the crown told me he knew he was beat before the case started.
hmm that seems like yet another example of R. v. Koumoudouros

i guess it all depends on what the officer says under cross-examination, which you'll have through disclosure
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I figured I would update this as I had the court date a few days ago.

Charges dropped, officer a no-show.

One neat thing I learned that I did not know before. When I met with the prosecutor before court she said (and I quote):

Prosecutor: "Right now your fine is $62.50. If you plead not guilty I will amend it back up to 40 over and a fine of $350 including all court costs and 4 points if you are found guilty. If you want you can go to the ticket window right now and pay the $62.50 and forget about court." (I did not know you could pay your original ticket on your court date!)
Me: "What if I plead not guilty and the officer does not show up." (already knowing the answer)
Her: "The charges are thrown out. If you don't want to make a decision right now you can wait in the courtroom and watch for the cop. If he walks in just walk out and go pay the $62.50. If he isn't in the courtroom by the time I call your name the charges will be dismissed!"

Sweeeet! So we just sat in the court room and waited, they called my friends name, officer no show, charges dismissed.

-Jamie M.
awesome! At first I thought they were trying to intimidate you, but she was just giving it to you straight up.

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