Request: Best Rain Gear

Look to some of the bicycling rain gear. It has the same features: easy to pull over clothes, reflective piping, waterproofing designed for use in motion.

MEC Drencher Pants have lasted us several seasons of constant usage (and still going strong). They also sell a Drencher jacket, but at $185 a pop, that's too rich for my blood. I just use a PVC-lined non-breathable windbreaker, the kind that rolls into its own storage pouch in the pocket. Because they're non-breathable, they're a lot cheaper than the state-of-the-art semi-porous light-weight breathable hiking windbreakers. But to me, non-breathable = more waterproofing.

I got one from McKinley. The PVC broke down after many years of use, but at $30 a pop, it held up longer and was cheaper than motorcycle-specific rain jackets that cost 4 times more and lasted only a season or two.
I have a Frogg Toggs jacket which works very well. I also wear a pair of Columbia waterproof pants I picked up on sale at Sport Chek.
I just use whatever I find on clearance at outdoor stores, MEC/Sail etc. Been using a Marmot jacket and Northface pants for the last few years without fail.
I use the First Gear Sierra jacket and pants which I think are extremely good. Always dry, hi-viz, waterproof pockets, ultra thin hoodie in the jacket to keep the neck dry, full length zippers on the pants and Velcro cinching at the cuffs. A touch expensive, but worth it to stay dry.
I'm in search of great rain gear

I've had WetSkins which were good for 40,000 or so KM
I've had VSX which made it about a season
latest set is Neilson Rigg which lasted me about a year.

At $60-$120 a pop this is ridiculous for it to fail so soon.

What was the Neilson Rigg suit that packed it in? Was thinking about getting one
I have a Sidi rain suit that has been great so far. Picked it up second hand for $60 or $80 and still going strong; though I think the pants are on their way out because in a heavy rain my ***** does start to get wet after 30-45 min.
I found a MEC waterproof rain jacket on sale one year, but only in the XXL or XXXL sizes, which was perfect for over my riding jacket. Only issue was that it only came in black. I've worn it for years and it's still good. Currently, I'm using the insert from an Olympia AG , which also goes over top.
I use the First Gear Sierra jacket and pants which I think are extremely good. Always dry, hi-viz, waterproof pockets, ultra thin hoodie in the jacket to keep the neck dry, full length zippers on the pants and Velcro cinching at the cuffs. A touch expensive, but worth it to stay dry.

not sure if the first gear sierra jacket is much different than the nelson rigg, will have to see it in person
I have the oxford pants and a columbia cyber green (read neon) upper.... it worked well with my urban fit jacket, but now, new jacket is touring fit and is a bit too big to fit under the columbia jacket :(
My wife and I bought a set of these from Costco last spring. They're ripstop waterproof fabric (not PVC), lined inside with netting so there's airflow and the material doesn't stick to everything, and yeah...very high vis. ;)


Have rode quite a few K through more than a few storms (one torrential one last week) and we always come out 99% dry - just the usual dampness in the butt area, but even then, just damp...not soaked. I'm quite impressed, and they're wearing well.

And they were only $40 a pair including the pants.

Not everyones cup of tea from an appearance standpoint, but my theory was this - when it's raining and we're on motorcycles, I don't care what I look like, I want to be seen above all else.

I just checked and it doesn't seem like Costco has them anymore, but here's the company (Canadian) that makes/distributes them. Looks like they're sold at a few other places as well.
I really liike my frogg toggs and very breathable as well fold up small and keep you dry . Outstanding customer service as well .
I've used the Frogg Toggs Road Toad set. I've gone through two pairs of pants and each lasted me two seasons or so. The same jacket lasted through both pairs of pants.
I've never found a set that lasted as long as my first set. I had bought 2 sets of VSX...each lasted a week. Missed picking up a set of Forcefield from Costco as I got a Rhyno set that hadn't failed just before. Haven't used it in a long time, but hope it lasts.
Have the Icon PDX jacket and bib-pants. Has lasted 2 years still in good shape, except the burn hole at the bottom of the right leg... It's durable, but haven't done 40k in the rain yet. I love the ease of on/off that the full-length side zips give you (and magnetic wind-flap holders) along with the stirrups.
My Frogg Toggs were good for a couple years before disintegrating, were never 100% waterproof though.

I'm a goretex convert now, my BMW boots are about 4 years old, about 80k km's on them and still waterproof. All the touring gear I buy now must be goretex.
My Frogg Toggs were good for a couple years before disintegrating, were never 100% waterproof though.

I'm a goretex convert now, my BMW boots are about 4 years old, about 80k km's on them and still waterproof. All the touring gear I buy now must be goretex.

same here....I went through several sets of rain gear and then got tired of having to stop and change or have flappy pants melt on hot pipes. I nearly cried when I bought my Klim goretex gear because of the price but I wouldn't change a thing now. They have been superb in any weather and no more stopping the bike if the heavens open. A few days ago I rode back from Algonquin park through Dorset and Halliburton to Kingston in hot sun, and storms and never had to adjust anything. I stayed perfectly dry.
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