Remember, the car always wins.

right or wrong don't matter
if you're dead

but that don't mean spirited riding is out
cause he rammed the bike on purpose

I didn't see any part of the car hitting the bike being necessarily "on purpose".

To the contrary he swerves onto the shoulder during the first brake check to try to avoid hitting him...the second brake check happened quick enough that he may not have had time to react.

Guy on the bike is a tool for having played games with a cager to begin with.
Apparently stupid. If you absolutely must get angry with a cage wait until he stops and gets out, then do your yelling. Better still, just get away from him and carry on.
if he let go of brakes he might not have crashed, lol. What a fi--n dufus. Smart to do that to a car.

it's as smart as an armadillo taunting an elephant. you're gonna get crushed. chances are you are gonna get crushed.

don't see what the point is. yes okay you might be ****** at the cager but raging won't do ***** for the situation other than make cager rage at motorcyclists as a whole.
Guy on the bike is a tool. I hope he learned his lesson and won't do that again...

Anyone dumb enough (and hotheaded enough) to try to brake check a cage whilst on a motorcycle is probably not the type to learn lessons easily.

So I somehow doubt it.
We all come across various ass hats that try and kill us almost every time we ride. We can film it and take it to the cops and they likely won’t do anything.

And that’s the reality of it.

It’s tempting to toss a boot up and remove a mirror or give the bird and other measures.

But, playing these kinds of games is just asking for trouble. You know the driver is an idiot. So why poke the bear?

Best to move on and have a coffee or pint at the next stop of have a chin wag with the other riders about the idiots you’ve encountered along the way.

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