Registering an electric motorcycle project in Ontario

Sorry Kedo: I missed your post but Nobbie48 is correct bicycle and e bikes on sidewalks fall under municipal bylaws as opposed to the HTA. But if a vehicle is classified as a "motor vehicle" under the HTA, then of course it can not be operated on a sidewalk. That would come under the HTA, just as it would if you were to drive your car down the sidewalk.
ya prob like bicycles that are technically not supposed to be on sidewalks, but is almost totally ignored as far as enforcement goes,

i remember being a kid in school ~ 25 + years ago & i think the cops came to the school to talk bicycle safety and that they needed a yearly license sticker
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Has anyone gone through the process? I'm also looking to do a conversion but I'm not sure how the insurance/registration will work out here in ONT.
Someone on gtam did it. I can't see any insurance company writing a policy if you are honest. If you just register it as an unmodified donor vehicle, it is easy to get insurance but it won't be valid in a crash.
Someone on gtam did it. I can't see any insurance company writing a policy if you are honest. If you just register it as an unmodified donor vehicle, it is easy to get insurance but it won't be valid in a crash.
Thanks for the reply. That definitely seems like the path of least resistance (to plate and insure it as the original donor make/model) but I don't like the idea of a void insurance policy.
I did a conversion. I rode it to town and back a couple times, got things lined up to register but ran out of ambition before tearing it down to paint, build a battery box, and add signals etc.

1. You need to find a mechanic to give an appraisal.
2. You need a custom motorcycle insurance broker to find you a policy. First guy I talked to was interested if I got an appraisal and was willing to move my home and other vehicle insurances to whoever was willing to insure the custom bike.
3. You need a mechanic willing to write you a safety.
4. You need a clean ownership from the donor bike

If you are interested PM me. I've been considering selling it. I'm expecting to loose money in the sale but I'd like to minimize the loss.

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