Registered Sex Offenders Map

The Ontario Sex Offender Registry (OSOR) was created as a result of the abduction and murder of 11-year-old Christopher Stephenson by a convicted sex offender on June 18, 1988. Following the Coroner’s inquest into Christopher’s death, it was recommended that the Solicitor General of Canada, in conjunction with the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General, police and other appropriate bodies, establish a registry for convicted, dangerous, high-risk sexual offenders, and require each offender to register with police in the jurisdiction where the offender will reside or is residing.

That was the idea, just like HTA172 was an idea to punish street racers, but the net catches all sorts of fish.

Who Must Register While in Ontario?

Any person who is resident in Ontario and has been:

- Convicted anywhere in Canada of a “sex offence” as defined in Christopher’s Law
- Found not criminally responsible (NCR) for a “sex offence” by reason of mental disorder and given an absolute or conditional discharge
- Made subject to an obligation to report under the federal Sex Offender Information Registration Act and the related Criminal Code provisions in relation to a secondary offence (e.g. murder)
- Made subject to a reporting obligation under the federal Sex Offender Information Registration Act and the related Criminal Code provisions (Form 54) in relation to a conviction for an offence outside of Canada that is determined to be equivalent to a sex offence in Canada
- Made subject to an obligation under section 36.1 of the International Transfer of Offenders Act (Form 1)

And from Christopher's Law itself:

“sex offence” means,
(a) an offence under section 151 (sexual interference), 152 (invitation to sexual touching), subsection 153 (1) (sexual exploitation), 155 (1) (incest), 160 (1), (2) or (3) (bestiality), 163.1 (2), (3) or (4) (child pornography), section 170 (parent or guardian procuring sexual activity), subsection 173 (2) (exposure), section 271 (sexual assault), subsection 272 (1) (sexual assault with a weapon, threats to a third party or causing bodily harm) or section 273 (aggravated sexual assault) of the Criminal Code (Canada),

So basically anyone.
Yay! Princess's Man has over 200 sex offenders in his area! :bunny::occasion2::dog:

Location: in your bumhole

How does one register for this?
When an 18 year old dating a 17 year old becomes a sex offender cuz the girls parents were vindictive, I can't trust that data one bit.

Wonder how many of our own GTAM members only escaped by chance.

Age of consent is 16 so the ages you're using pose no issue. Further, there are "close in age exemptions" that allow a 14 or 15 year old to have sex with someone up to 5 years older than them.
can't we just have violent sex offenders put on death row? Save a lot of $$


kobe bryant's rape case said:
as the hearings began, the prosecution accused bryant's defense team of attacking his accuser's credibility.[sup][6][/sup] it was revealed that she wore underpants containing another man's semen and pubic hair to her rape exam the day after the alleged incident.
A co-worker of mine went to Jail for battery and aggravated assault for 3 years because a registered pedophile moved into the area was trying to start conversations with the kid. It sucks though that you can be put on the registration list for pissing in public or other stupid **** but pedophiles should just be put to death.
A co-worker of mine went to Jail for battery and aggravated assault for 3 years because a registered pedophile moved into the area was trying to start conversations with the kid. It sucks though that you can be put on the registration list for pissing in public or other stupid **** but pedophiles should just be put to death.

In what country?
it is great to have access to information, but I also would think some peoples property values just took a hit...
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