Regions with reciprocity agreements, with Ontario

I called the Driver Control Center (416-235-1086) Ministry of Transportation and spoke to an analysis.
Only NY, Michigan and the other provinces have reciprocity with Ontario.
Failure to pay a fine in all other States will not result in a conviction that will show up on one's Ontario license although it would not be prudent to drive in that State for the next few years.

The list of States at the start of this thread is accurate. The other States don't have reciprocal agreements for points, but they do have reciprocal agreements for payment of fines.
It's just not points, the entire offense will not appear on your Drivers Abstract which is the important thing..
I used to own an Insurance Brokerage, I don't know why riders/drivers are concerned about points, if you get too many convictions even with no points your preferred rated policy will not be renewed (if they find out) and you'll wind up with a high risk (read very expensive) Insurance company.
Points only matter to retain your license and considering they are only on your record for two years from the date of the offense, you must have a pretty horrendous driving record to accumulate 15 points in such a short time frame.

Anyway Rob, as you mention at the start of this thread, in the States other than NY and Michigan, "it isn't worth the costs involved to do the paper work" to try and collect the fine particularly if they are small.
Which brings me back to my original point, if one has no intentions of riding in that State again (or can avoid doing so) not paying the ticket is a viable option. On off chance that they do try to collect the fine to the point that it appears as an unpaid fine on your drivers license, then you pay it.
I also said, in a previous post, that as governments look for more sources of revenue they're more likely to pursue these fines. There's also generally an "out of State" surcharge for fines, that are applied to non residents. This is used to cover the additional charges that are incurred when seeking payment for such fines.
I called the Ministry of Transportation again, spoke to another analysis in the Driver Control Center (they really are very helpful) and asked the question. I was told unpaid fines from States other than Michigan and NY will NOT show up on your Ontario drivers license as an unpaid fine preventing renewal. I asked if she was 100% certain because I had been told told otherwise. She agreed to double check it, put me on hold and confirmed unpaid fines incurred in States other than NY and Michigan will not appear on your drivers license.

So the Ontario Ministry of Transportation it would appear doesn't agree with you.
I called the Ministry of Transportation again, spoke to another analysis in the Driver Control Center (they really are very helpful) and asked the question. I was told unpaid fines from States other than Michigan and NY will NOT show up on your Ontario drivers license as an unpaid fine preventing renewal. I asked if she was 100% certain because I had been told told otherwise. She agreed to double check it, put me on hold and confirmed unpaid fines incurred in States other than NY and Michigan will not appear on your drivers license.

So the Ontario Ministry of Transportation it would appear doesn't agree with you.

Then I suggest that the people you spoke to need to bone up on the legislation, that was passed by their Provincial overlords, as far back as 1990 and is called "R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 607 - RECIPROCAL SUSPENSION OF LICENCES"

Whether the fine itself shows up on your license or not, the hosting State can have your license suspended for non payment, or anything that they decide (in court or tribunal) is a valid reason for license suspension.
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That's going back 24 years so it's not really a matter of "boning up".
It would appear that the reality is that the suspension reciprocity is not happening with those States mentioned.

Anyway I won't be paying the speeding ticket fine I got.
I'll keep you up to date of what happens if anything.
That's going back 24 years so it's not really a matter of "boning up".
It would appear that the reality is that the suspension reciprocity is not happening with those States mentioned.

Anyway I won't be paying the speeding ticket fine I got.
I'll keep you up to date of what happens if anything.

Check the link. It's currently accurate and the last date of change was 2006.
You would do well to brush up on your US, laws. In MANY states, they have a "threshold", similar to stunt driving here, they "may" at the discretion of the officer, place you under arrest, and your held until they can get you in front of a judge, (which if it is say 6 pm friday, in a smaller jurisdiction, could be Monday morning). The judge, (if in a really lousy mood, may decide your a flight risk and set your bail pretty high), which means then you have to find a local bail bondsman, that thinks your an acceptable

So be carefree, in the home of brave and the free, remembering you may not be that free after

I just rode down to the south coast of Maine (entered US at Gananoque, then through Adirondacks, then Hwy2 across vermont & new hampshire)... I've got too colourful a driving record to enjoy travelling quickly here in Ontario it was really refreshing to drive where they can't suspend my license to drive.
I was moving Very quickly across four states, and didn't run into any problems. I assumed that had I been pulled over, there may have been fines to pay - but that my Ontario license would remain unblemished.
From what you're saying is this the case or not? It looks like this would have been true in every state I crossed except NY?



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