Red Light ticket ouch!

that's what I thought. And usually they give a warning because the rule is open to interpretation. For a adv I would suggest mud! My plate is currently covered in mud and it is definitely not a adv bike!
That might save you from a speed camera it red light camera or the 407 but it can still get you a ticket from a cop.

It is up to the rider or driver to make sure the plate is legible.
I posted in the bad drivers thread about the car in front of me going through a red. I assume he watched the amber come on for the cross traffic and went. A vehicle squeezing the orange or taking a fresh red could meet in the middle of the intersection. Just be careful on assuming who is going to stop.
Wasn't there a sketchy dude lingering around acting a bit odd before the intersection, out of sight from said camera, that forced you to run the red? I mean, not that you couldn't take him in mortal combat but it wasn't worth it in the moment.
that's what I thought. And usually they give a warning because the rule is open to interpretation. For a adv I would suggest mud! My plate is currently covered in mud and it is definitely not a adv bike!
I never clean my plate on my car in winter. When I clean the snow off the hood, roof, windows, mirrors and lights, I somehow forget to give the plate a wipe. As a result the rear plate is usually covered in a mixture of snow and slush that builds up quickly on these hatchback CUV's. Sorry officer, I hadn't noticed that, I'll try to remember in the future.

No speed or red light cams in Orangeville yet and I have no need or desire to ride or drive down into the COTU anytime, so no worries here.
Can we get some more exciting stories?

It’s becoming a boring read for the people that live in Markham and Brampton.
They can easily do this with the 407 as well.
Entry time, exit time, average speed, boom ticket in the mailbox.

Not sure about north america but I know parts of Europe have this
Poland does this. So you cook it, and then stop for a coffee at one of the rest stops before the next gates.

I remember pulling 220kph on a 150kph road…apparently the fine is pretty heavy I just got lucky.
About photo 1 why/how does the camera take a photo before you enter the intersection with the redlight.
It doesn't make sense for the camera take photos of every car just in case it runs the redlight
Or is there some sort of speed sensor and it know your not gonna stop?
Sorry for all the questions but I am little confused
Because I also got a red light ticket but on right hand turn.
My Photo #1 is of my car before the crosswalk with the brake lights on and the redlight
My photo#2 is a photo without my car because I already turned right.

Also about 2 months ago at the same intersection. A car at full stop on a redlight in the middle lane decided to turn right. Crossing over the right lane. Pop pop the red light camera went off!
Looks like photo 1 is you blowing the stop line, and photo 2 is to confirm you did in fact run the red and not stop.

Everybody gets upset when you are almost T-boned by a vehicle running a red
but feel its okay for themselves to do it?
I have had people threaten me with bodily harm for stopping at a Yellow light!
Everybody gets upset when you are almost T-boned by a vehicle running a red
but feel its okay for themselves to do it?
I have had people threaten me with bodily harm for stopping at a Yellow light!
I want to stop at stop signs but all too often my gut is in a knot because I get the feeling the person behind me expects me to roll through.

Years ago I went through on an amber where I could have stopped. I looked in my rear view mirror and five cars came through after me. I was driving a brand new 1980 Buick. Things haven't improved with time.

Another time I stopped on an amber where running it wouldn't have raised eyebrows. A contractor's van behind me was probably accelerating in anticipation of it getting through. Fortunately there wasn't anyone on the sidewalk because the driver chose that option instead of hitting me.

Consequences to an innocent person that gets rear ended at a stop light or sign:

Because it is usually low speed injuries are not blood and gore but rather whiplash, a never ending battle with the insurer, assuming there is one.

Collision damage would be a minimum of $2000 but more likely two or more times that amount.

If you are driving a 15 year old low mileage beater you got from your aunt, the car is written off and you have to go shopping for a replacement with a couple of thousand in your pocket. Unless you have another aunt giving up driving you are out of luck.

If you are driving or possibly leasing a new car, expect diminished value in the thousands of dollars when you trade in. There is no compensation from the insurer as there is in the USA.

Fixing collision damage is different from a mechanical repair as it is a step by step process that could include
removing damaged components, checking for hidden damage, updates, ordering parts, supply chain issues, reassembly and paint, allowing for cure times.

There can be time gaps between the steps so it isn't like a one or two day tune up or brake job.

Meanwhile you rent a replacement that may be less than suitable, hoping insurance doesn't impose a limit to the rental.

Welcome to Ontario.

From Jan 22, 2022 – Feb 23, 2022 a bunch of redneck truckers placed Ottawa under a siege, proving that the mayor, police chief, municipal leaders and our PM were incapable of dealing with a small unarmed occupying force.

Is Toronto any better, run by light runners, e-bikers, corrupt cyclists and errant pedestrians jay walking while texting.
I had a lady rear end me when I stopped at a yellow light 9 or 10 years ago. Didn't hit hard so didn't damage my truck, but I had my hitch in place so the front of her Audi didn't fare as well.

The cop asked me what happened, I said light turned amber quite a ways back so I stopped and she didn't. To be fair she corroborated and was apologetic with me. Talking with him he said he could have given her a careless ticket (I think), but since she was apologetic, my truck wasn't damaged and her car had to be towed he gave her some ticket that was 2 demerit points and a fine.
I had a lady rear end me when I stopped at a yellow light 9 or 10 years ago. Didn't hit hard so didn't damage my truck, but I had my hitch in place so the front of her Audi didn't fare as well.

The cop asked me what happened, I said light turned amber quite a ways back so I stopped and she didn't. To be fair she corroborated and was apologetic with me. Talking with him he said he could have given her a careless ticket (I think), but since she was apologetic, my truck wasn't damaged and her car had to be towed he gave her some ticket that was 2 demerit points and a fine.
I expected following too closely but surprisingly that is four points. Two points could be failure to share roadway.
So I ended up paying for the ticket. Dam gov nickel and dime'ng. They add on another "convince fee" for paying online, F'ng jokers. Yeah it's like $2.80, but wouldn't it be a heck of a lot more expensive if I set a trial date for this. Dumbas's
Might want to look into that tidy plate after all...
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