Everybody gets upset when you are almost T-boned by a vehicle running a red
but feel its okay for themselves to do it?
I have had people threaten me with bodily harm for stopping at a Yellow light!
I want to stop at stop signs but all too often my gut is in a knot because I get the feeling the person behind me expects me to roll through.
Years ago I went through on an amber where I could have stopped. I looked in my rear view mirror and five cars came through after me. I was driving a brand new 1980 Buick. Things haven't improved with time.
Another time I stopped on an amber where running it wouldn't have raised eyebrows. A contractor's van behind me was probably accelerating in anticipation of it getting through. Fortunately there wasn't anyone on the sidewalk because the driver chose that option instead of hitting me.
Consequences to an innocent person that gets rear ended at a stop light or sign:
Because it is usually low speed injuries are not blood and gore but rather whiplash, a never ending battle with the insurer, assuming there is one.
Collision damage would be a minimum of $2000 but more likely two or more times that amount.
If you are driving a 15 year old low mileage beater you got from your aunt, the car is written off and you have to go shopping for a replacement with a couple of thousand in your pocket. Unless you have another aunt giving up driving you are out of luck.
If you are driving or possibly leasing a new car, expect diminished value in the thousands of dollars when you trade in. There is no compensation from the insurer as there is in the USA.
Fixing collision damage is different from a mechanical repair as it is a step by step process that could include
removing damaged components, checking for hidden damage, updates, ordering parts, supply chain issues, reassembly and paint, allowing for cure times.
There can be time gaps between the steps so it isn't like a one or two day tune up or brake job.
Meanwhile you rent a replacement that may be less than suitable, hoping insurance doesn't impose a limit to the rental.
Welcome to Ontario.
From Jan 22, 2022 – Feb 23, 2022 a bunch of redneck truckers placed Ottawa under a siege, proving that the mayor, police chief, municipal leaders and our PM were incapable of dealing with a small unarmed occupying force.
Is Toronto any better, run by light runners, e-bikers, corrupt cyclists and errant pedestrians jay walking while texting.