Recommend to me a good chiro

There have been three serious neck injuries with life long consequences this summer in Ontario from people getting thrown out of towed boat toys at cottages and the giant toy whacking them when it flips .
Out of the thousands of daily tube rides , it’s minuscule.

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There have been three serious neck injuries with life long consequences this summer in Ontario from people getting thrown out of towed boat toys at cottages and the giant toy whacking them when it flips .
Out of the thousands of daily tube rides , it’s minuscule.

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I wonder what the injury count is for e-scooters, e-bikes, hoverboards, e-kick scooters etc.

The link is too graphic to post but a guy riding a borrowed e-kick scooter does a face plant knocking himself out and then gets run over by a van.

A friend's wife jumped onto one of those floating bouncy castle things and broke her leg.

There's an addictive lure from white knuckle activities.
My guy is in London, and he is great. $15 a pop. Unlike some I have been to (and paid way more) this guy solves the problem.
On the subject, I've messed up the ligaments on my left knee. Any thoughts?

As I read it, healing starts in 1-1/2 months and takes another 5-6 month for full recovery. I'm really going to miss shoveling snow this winter.
I had a great chiropractor in Uxbridge. I had been having problems with aching in my knees for about 3 years. Went to see him and he said my hips and legs were out of alignment, I’m generally pretty skeptical but since he was also my brother in law I thought that I would give it a shot. Went twice a week for about six weeks for adjustments and miraculously my knee pain wet away. Unfortunately, soon afterwords, my chiropractor lost his license for banging one of his patients. The good news is that my knee pain never came back.
I had a great chiropractor in Uxbridge. I had been having problems with aching in my knees for about 3 years. Went to see him and he said my hips and legs were out of alignment, I’m generally pretty skeptical but since he was also my brother in law I thought that I would give it a shot. Went twice a week for about six weeks for adjustments and miraculously my knee pain wet away. Unfortunately, soon afterwords, my chiropractor lost his license for banging one of his patients. The good news is that my knee pain never came back.
anyone know a legit good chiro? I am having right shoulder pain/weakness.
I went to two chiros in mississauga and surprisingly they have good google reviews but all they do it crack your neck, hips and sometimes spine.

I am not looking for someone that cracks your neck then hips and calls it a day. some of them just seem like a scam that offers you a $2700 plan.
I would love to hear your stories.

somewhere in peel region.
Sports physio first. If you have an injury, they will help with rehab, sometimes you can get a referral from family doctors... superclass if your doc is still doing WFGC telephone appts.
I went in for shoulder pain in Ottawa and it seemed like they spent months trying to fix my neck.
Eventually, they put me on massage, and that seemed to work.
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