Recommend in-ear replacement headphones?

Good idea with the thin balaclava(headsock), I can score headsocks for free from work so I will grab one tomorrow to try out. BTW, although I have never tried anything north of $100 because I just can't justify the expense, I have always loved the sound and durability of stock galaxy and iphone buds. I've had the same samsun buds since I got my S3, and before that I had the same earpods for years. Loved them both. I'd try a sena, but apparently they're made of like platinum and diamonds or something? Because there's no other way a walkie talkie with bluetooth is actually worth that kind of money.
I was really happy with MME M6 Pro but lost them recently. I just ordered another pair from Amazon ...
Those look like exactly what I want. What kind of helmet do you wear them with? Any problems with them staying in or how they feel if on a longer ride?
Those look like exactly what I want. What kind of helmet do you wear them with? Any problems with them staying in or how they feel if on a longer ride?

If you placed them properly, they're rock solid and super comfortable even on 4-5 hour rides. I have Arai Corsair V helmet.
Shane....I might have a pair of those but I'd steer clear ..I was not in the least impressed ...over rated, way too bright. Indeed comfortable enough but sound quality sucked.
Actually these sound way better than most of >$100 competition. Very little sound quality difference between this one and Shure SE215
If you are using them with the silcon tips they come with then yeah - I can understand how they might sound similar.

If you have Westone tips which riders should use for attenuation's a world of difference.

This reviewer nails it


Harsh high-end
Cheap-feeling cable
Fatiguing sound


The Ultimate Ears 600s and the Panasonic drops360°LUXE Premium In-Ear Stereo Headphones RP-HJX20-K sound far better.....I just got tired of replacing broken Ultimate Ears.

This guy also nails the comparison

I read in a few places that these were as good as Shure se215s for half the price. Here's my breakdown comparison.

Comfort: M6 Pros win this category, but not by much. They are lighter, and can be worn for longer without exhausting the ears. The material used around the ear is also easier to bend and manage. The 215s are also comfortable, but heavier, making it less comfortable over time.

Sound Isolation: 215s win this by a landslide. The 215s keep sound out very well, and people around you won't hear what you're hearing either. M6s are very loud from outside, though they keep sound out fairly well. M6s may be better for walking thru a city where you need to hear what's around you.

Sound Quality: 215s win. You get the extra you paid for. The bass is boosted without sacrificing clear mids and highs, and after a burn in period, these are spectacular. M6s have minimal bass, good mids, and harsh highs even after burn in. Don't let anyone tell you the sound is comparable- it's just not.

caveat emptor....
My cable on my 215s started to be intermittent ...seems a problem with most earphones and I was searching for replacements....OEM was $30 US!!!! just for the cable.

So looked on Kiji and there were a pair of week old Shure 215 Special Edition that retail north of $150 Cdn I picked up for half that and there is another pair from the same guy for $90 that are new open box.
The cabling on the new ones is much more robust than the 2014s that I was using and the on/off volume/mike control easy enough to use even with summer gloves on ....has little points to orient you. Handy to have the volume sits just below the edge of the helmet.

matches my white strom too. ...spiffy ;)


good deal for some one...the Shure 215 fit very flat in the ear ...easy for helmets and the is a bendable loop over the ear to keep them in place.

Decent sound but you need to get the correct tips for a seal. The Special Edition comes with good tips of different sizes
Couople of riders I know swear by them. Can't get much flatter

Thanks Mac. I just emailed him.

I've been using my Scala G9 headset with earplugs for the last month and it does the job, but not good enough for me. The volume adjusts to the wind noise and regardless of the setting I always find it too quiet for me. I'm looking forward to cranking up some tunes.
Oh good ...he's nice enough guy to deal with and I'm impressed with the improvements in the cord ....switch is nice to have and to be able to adjust volume.
You can plug directly to the SENA 20 and then bluetooth from the phone...eliminates the wires and lets you chat. Big difference in the sound when I got the correct size of tips on ...was a bit thin with the small tips and not a lot of isolation....the bigger tips brought the bass to play and blocked ambient very nicely.
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