Recommend a snow blower

Before we know it the white stuff will be on the ground and I'd like to get a head start in shopping around. Any recommendations on brand or store would be great. A 24"-27" two stage should do. I was initially leaning towards the Craftman or Toro, however, there was a long thread about the motor dying after 10 minutes under load. Both brands (Craftsman and Toro) use the same motor - briggs and stratton, which I'd like to avoid, if possible.

If you own any of the above let me know your experiences. My budget is ~$1200.

I have a Toro that has a Tecumseh engine. I have had no problems with it in the six or so years I have had it and I have run it long enough to drain a full tank (one gallon). Yearly oil changes, replace the spark plug as needed, and spraying (with WD40 or the like) of the augur and blower housing has kept it in fairly good order. There is no air filter on this engine. I highly recommend draining it of gas entirely at the end of the season and then wait for the winter gas to become available before you gas up. It has occasionally needed to have the linkages re-adjusted to maintain correct engagement of the augur drive. So far, I have not had to have the belts replaced but they appear to be in good shape.

I really like the chute control on the Toro. It is a one-handed operation and you do not have to stop to redirect the direction or angle of the chute. As well, there are two wheel-clutch levers which allow you to pivot steer - very useful for the turns at the end of a sweep. Electric start is nice too. It really works well.

I have a 10 HP model 1028 which is a bit of overkill but I have a corner lot so I have a lot of sidewalk to clear. It is also a good way to keep the neighbours happy, happy, happy by offering to clear their sidewalks. This machine has the power to chew through the build up of snow left by the passing city crews. On those days when you feel like biting the heads off people, it is quite therapeutic to chew up a snow bank.

If you decide on a smaller, single-stage machine, I would go with the Honda. They can take an amazing amount of abuse.
Always makes me laugh when I hear you guys talk about snow-blowers. It reminds me of where I'm from I guess! Why someone would spend that kind of money on a machine that likely would not get used more than once a year is beyond me. Pay the kid next door that one day if its that hard. I know I am going to hear from everyone from Barrie and Peterborough... but the OP is in Vaughn! Sprinkle some salt... go to work... come home to a dry driveway. ;) Snowblowers require snow sillies!

Agreed, I've barely even used the shovel I bought in the two winters I have lived in Mississauga. Last winter had a bit more snow, the winter before had nothing!

I do use winter tires on the car though. Not for the snow, but for the better traction they provide in the colder temperatures. I don't think my bike will be stored this winter. I am going to attempt to ride it at least once every month -- depending on the conditions, of course.
Purchased one last Sunday from Sears - Rexdale. Sears is selling all their floor models now so there is a substantial cost savings.
Agreed, I've barely even used the shovel I bought in the two winters I have lived in Mississauga. Last winter had a bit more snow, the winter before had nothing!

I do use winter tires on the car though. Not for the snow, but for the better traction they provide in the colder temperatures. I don't think my bike will be stored this winter. I am going to attempt to ride it at least once every month -- depending on the conditions, of course.

lol, hindsight is 20/20 ;)
How did you guys with your single stage blowers do yesterday?
lol, hindsight is 20/20 ;)

Actually I still have only used my shovel about 3 times this year... mainly because I just ignored the minor snowfalls and let it melt when some warmer temps came. My back is fairly sore from yesterday's dig though, and I was wishing I had room for a snowblower.

I've also had my bike out at least one a month. I had the bike out for a very short ride a few weeks back in early January to go to the beer store and back as the wife had the car. I haven't had any opportunity in February yet.
This is about the same quality as any new MTD machines, cheap low grade asian motors/components. Will last you a few times until either the engine gives or the auger components. Typically these don't have bearings in anything but rather bushings that are designed to wear out.
For $399 I'd risk it, if the motor craps in three years put a princess auto Briggs 5 hp for another $199. and you still have a cheap cost blower. PA has a 10hp diesel with electric start for $329.00, I love to do a diesel blower.
Always makes me laugh when I hear you guys talk about snow-blowers. It reminds me of where I'm from I guess! Why someone would spend that kind of money on a machine that likely would not get used more than once a year is beyond me. Pay the kid next door that one day if its that hard. I know I am going to hear from everyone from Barrie and Peterborough... but the OP is in Vaughn! Sprinkle some salt... go to work... come home to a dry driveway. ;) Snowblowers require snow sillies!

whos laughing now? I am! My neighbour told me that they're not worth it. Have fun shovelling the snow on that 8 ft pile.
For $399 I'd risk it, if the motor craps in three years put a princess auto Briggs 5 hp for another $199. and you still have a cheap cost blower. PA has a 10hp diesel with electric start for $329.00, I love to do a diesel blower.

That 10hp diesel is going to twist that machine into a pretzel. That's after you have fun trying to mount it and then find new pullies for the 1" shaft since the ones off the dead motor are 3/4". Then If the auger gear doesn't shatter your lucky. The 6.5 PA motor at 89 dollars is a better fit. But then why not pickup a dead snowblower for 50 bucks off kijiji and slap one of those on there to begin with if u want something cheap.
My neighbor owns one and cleared my driveway while I was away, but she is with the Armed Forces, so that's almost to be expected. :D
MTD 29" 10.5hp.Bought it about 15yrs ago.Replaced the belts 3 yrs ago (2hrs and $12).Tires needed tubes in them last yr because the tubeless rims were corroded and leaked badly.(1/2 hr and $20) It'll need a muffler soon,but it starts first pull every time.The sheet metal is a bit rusty but the motor is rock solid with just a bit of care.Don't know why people put the MTD machines down.
Strange thing. I'd never dream of cutting my neighbour's lawn in the summer but come a good snow storm and I'm right there with my snow blower clearing his drive.
It's the newer mtds all china made that are horrid, maybe some higher end ones are still USA made. The USA made ones with North American parts are rock solid.
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