Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Watched Knives out - was decent

Parasite - was good, didn't expect the twist at the ending but made sense.
Parasite - a masterpiece! The desire to uplift one’s self, the blind ambition to gasp for air from above, to survive the filth from below, the difficulty to gain respect when one smells of poverty, the dream to be able to live the lifestyle of the 1%, all these, are all these reasons to have a plan? Should life flow blindly and go with the flow of the flood, and sink or swim? Are we all victims of our circumstances and trying to creatively survive and float above the standards society dictates? Are we drawn to dream and do everything we can, any which way we know to recategorize or relabel ourselves and gain respect and recognition? Are material possessions necessarily dictates who we are and the expression of success? One can only understand another if we have walked in their shoes and lived their lives. Perspective is wider and more global when one had richer experiences and exposure. To judge another circumstance is to reveal ourselves. If you haven't watched it, please do.
Jumanji The Next Level, was ok, by the 3rd Act it finally started to feel like the first movie, as the first parts just dragged. Just ok overall.
Jumanji The Next Level, was ok, by the 3rd Act it finally started to feel like the first movie, as the first parts just dragged. Just ok overall.
saw it in theater, 1st was immensely better.
Jumanji The Next Level, was ok, by the 3rd Act it finally started to feel like the first movie, as the first parts just dragged. Just ok overall.

Whoever gave the go ahead for The Rock to do the ridiculous Devito accent should be shot. Movie would be a billion times more enjoyable without it.
anything with The Rock in it
is going to be a hard no for me

think I'd seen it before
but watched it again - American Made
many probably have the same opinion of Cruise
that I have of The Rock

2 entertaining hours though
a lot of factual license is taken about the life of Barry Seal
but it just works, the dark comedy, the soundtrack
and Cruise seems to be laughing at himself
anything with The Rock in it
is going to be a hard no for me

What? Why? He's awesome. (The FF franchise died a long time ago, imo)

The 1st Jumanji was very, very good. His TV show Ballers is very entertaining.
What? Why? He's awesome. (The FF franchise died a long time ago, imo)

The 1st Jumanji was very, very good. His TV show Ballers is very entertaining.
Agreed 100%. The Rock is a great entertainer, I've been a fan since he had hair and wrestled.
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