Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

We watched the 1980 "classic" Flash Gordon with the kids a few weeks ago, it is what it is but we did actually really enjoy it--it was fun. The music is not bad either...
Watched this over the week-end.... whoa that was fun but a whole lot of cheese!! Queen on the music score as well.
The whole 70's vibe was present, which was cool, and chill, they don't make'm like that anymore but definitely a remake would be helpful.
Creed II was pretty average for me. I didn't even know about the Drago tie-in and bringing back all those characters.

Aquaman was okay. There's better and worse in comic movie department. Visuals are great and the story works generally.

I want to mention Get Smart with Steve Carroll again. IMO, it's an absolutely hilarious movie. And Fever Pitch with Jimmy Fallon, funny stuff.

I've got Hot Tub Time Machine lined up for this weekend again. Crazy movie; a big gen x fest. I highly recommend it.
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The Hateful Eight last nite on Netflix. Samuel L Jackson is great as usual.
American Factories. Documentary on Netflix. It has a little bit of a Michael Moore flavor to it, but it's still very interesting looking at it from both sides (if that's possible).
Princess Aura...need not say more.

Reminds me of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, the movie.
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood - I'm one of them immature Tarantino fanboys who love his stuff, so take that into account, but this is my 2nd favorite of his after Inglourious Basterds. Some peeps complained about the length but I coulda taken 2 more hours of it. Pure cinematic bliss.
I watched the new It movie again on the movie channel (saw it in the theatre); it's very good and very well done. Highly recommended. It also has a crazy good 80's soundtrack, lots of alt/indie rock and NKOTB, :).

And don't let young children watch this move now that it's more accessible; it's R rated, well crafted and can easily scar kids and young children for life.
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