Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Watched Venom last night and it was bad. They should have gone for a dark R rated movie. Best part about the movie was the clip from Into The Spider-Verse which I have to say looks visually amazing and just might be a really fun spiderman movie.
My 15 year old and his friends watched Into The Spider-Verse the other night. They absolutely loved it.

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Wife made me watch BirdBox last night...

Typical "horror" movie with all the usual twists and turns. I figured out the ending about 20min into it.

Then we watched "Black Mirror - BanderSnatch" on Netflix.
VERY cool concept and made by the Black Mirror folks.

It's a movie, but you have pop up choices to make along the way that affects the outcome much like the old choose your own adventure novels.

It has multiple endings, and loops back on itself, but adds in bits and pieces along the way. Lots of Black Mirror easter eggs as well.

Took us over 2hrs to make the "right" choices to see the "good" ending.

Not a spoiler, but if you watch it, at the part when he asks for a sign, choose Netflix.

The result is hilarious!
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Speaking of Netflix, just watched Annihilation; which is produced by them.

The film tries to put you in somewhat of a trance through the whole thing and by the end you're like hmmm.......I hate spoilers so that's all I'm going to say.

All in all, definitely worth a watch.
Recently watched First Man. Kinda meh. More artsy of a movie then I would have liked.

Sent from the moon!
Aquaman was good fun. Beat my expectations.

Black Mirror Bandersnatch was awesome. Very cool concept of an interactive movie.
Watched Ready Player One and really enjoyed it as a popcorn movie. A Spielberg homage to GenX 80's pop culture wrapped up in a package to appeal to newer generations.

I watched the new Death Wish with Bruce Willis. I had low expectations and it wasn't as bad as I expected. Basic stuff, but it's interesting to see a modern interpretation in the context of the current culture and social media.

"Fences" with Denzel Washington and Viola Davis.Best dramatic movie i have seen in decades.Viola Davis is outstanding.Highly recommend watching this.
Wife and Eldest went to see Holmes and Watson. It was only movie not sold out at the theatre that night, and they found out why.
Rotten Tomatoes critics' score of 9% and viewer rating of 28%.
The problem I have with RT is that they've been equally bad at predicting the good ones for my taste. Maybe we need a Fresh Ripe Tomatoes site?
Bird Box (2018)

Watch it so you understand all the memes on the internet.
Bad Times At The El Royale. Pretty film, feels a lot like a Tarantino movie, but without the great dialogue. Still worth a watch
Got to see a classic youth 80's movie again recently, Cloak and Dagger. I remember how great it was when I was young. It would never get made today, their loss.

3000 Miles to Graceland is a great popcorn (adult) action movie that's now getting the cult appreciation it deserves imo.

Sicario: Day of the Soldado was great. Looking forward to the next one.

Super Troopers 2 was pretty average. Lots of Canadian jokes.

I had completely forgotten that they had made a third movie in the Abrams Star Trek reboot - Beyond. I really enjoyed it. Too bad the series sounds dead at this time.

Doctor Strange finally came on TV (Space channel). I really enjoyed it. Supposedly another is coming.
I have seen "Unbreakable". Before I see "Glass", I understand that there is another movie that I should see first, to better understand it. Anyone know what it is?
Sorry if it's already been mentioned.

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I have seen "Unbreakable". Before I see "Glass", I understand that there is another movie that I should see first, to better understand it. Anyone know what it is?
Sorry if it's already been mentioned.

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Split is the one you are looking to see before glass.

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