Don't ever be surprised with friends and family and what they are capable of when it comes to anything of monetary value. I went through hell and back being the executor after my father died selling his house in Toronto and then splitting the funds. Like you said they didn't need it but free makes people go apeshit.
sad but true........
This is how family members stop talking to each other. Someone crosses a new line by grabbing too much, someone else gets a lawyer involved, then they all take a blood feud to their graves. Seems stupidly shortsighted to me, but for all we know they already hated each other.
How about if that someone grabs it all ! is it time to get a lawyer! ?
Well.. I say YES... the math I saw in the will said divide by 3.... which really should have been divide by 4 as the gubbermint wants their share.
1/3 of the people have taken all things they want.. and given away things they didn't want to the grandkids.. and made arrangements to own the real estate... at a "appraised" value less than 50% of what houses on either side ...
#2 of 3 has disappeared all the business tools and equipment.. and a lot of other things,, as well as getting a few hundred thou lent as a unregistered mortgage... I see that a inheritance in advance..
and #3 of 3 has nothing............ so nothing to loose is the way I see it.. cause once the lawyers fight it out .. there won't be anything to do but pay them!
the will is very poorly written..
so.. to add my story.... folks in my family tree ended up raising 2 very young girls.. their cousins.... they were never called daughters... always called the "cousins" when anything was said about the girls.
when those folks died,, they left "everything to the cousins"
<sigh> well , the lawyers couldn't find it in the dictionary where 2 girls could get "everything" if it was left to be divided amungst all the cousins.
when I got the call to confirm I was a cousin........ I knew there was a problem with the wording of the will... and I wouldn't accept any money.
I found out later.. ALL the other cousins had a big smile on their face!! even tho almost all of them didn't even KNOW WHO died ... long lost relative left them money eh......... sigh...