Rant: Snake crap eating scumballs

I have the distinctly unlucky situation of being the executor of my mother's will (simply because I am the only logical person left alive in the family). My sisters would be a main attraction draw at an illegal cage fight card (not kidding - blood feud of doom here), and both feel entitled to inheritance (both have asked for early inheritance already) -- me, I tell my mom to spend willy-nilly and enjoy herself.

Could I see my sisters grabbing whatever they could out of my mother's home to make sure they get their fair share? Absolutely.
Completely wrong and disgusting... it reached the point I refuse to spend any time with more than 1 of my family members at a time.

So yes, I understand the OP's question completely. When a family is disfunctional and siblings are more interested in their own gain, this exact situation is guaranteed to occur.

I don't mean to sound racist but what's your race?
I don't mean to sound racist but what's your race?

White family. Nobody ever lacked for anything. Solid upper middle class.
Euro background.
I don't mean to sound racist but what's your race?


My parent's have even been quite open with their will. It says that that all assets will be divided equally among the remaining children. Any debts will be subtracted from the inheritance and redistributed equally to the other children. The will includes a list of said debts.

My oldest brother, executor, and investment adviser has already told Mom and Dad that they have way more than enough to last them the rest of their lives, so go out and enjoy. Personally, I hope they live long enough to enjoy every penny and cross every item off their bucket list. I hope I never have to see any inheritance.
A friend had an Estate sale when both her parents died.
No sympathy from the general public, some of whom tried to loot the place.

My grandfather's family on one side, had my father written out of will, they didn't even tell him that his grandmother had died until they had cashed out. They were the rich side of the family too.

Not worth getting too worked up about. It's only "stuff".
Told my kids they aren't getting anything. :)

Told my parents the two things I would want. An old two way radio and my great grandfathers 67 chevelle. I have them both already. Let the others fight it out. Like BigEvilDoer I can already tell my sisters will all be vultures and I won't have anything to do with that kind of crap.
General public, and almost all families, become vultures when it comes to cash and the deceased....

I've had the 'pleasure' of witnessing the following.

1. Good family friend who helped us out a lot passed and left everything to his wife (rich rich rich rich!). As she got sicker and sicker (cancer) her relatives starting coming out of the woods after years of neglect and non-contact. No kids to speak of so just cousins and such. On her last dying day they didn't even stay near her as she passed away in the cold (they refused to turn up the heat last Christmas Eve). She passed away and everything is still being torn to shreds by the vultures. Her sister's grandson is living in a huge house, driving her Jag, and needs to relax because all the stress of his favourite 'aunt' passing away prevents him from working. But the trust fund keeps him warm at night.

2. Dad's family side also like vultures. They wrote him out of the will because he's in Canada and must be rich so he doesn't need anything.

3. Mom's mother is close to 90 years old now. She didn't want the kids fighting over whatever was left. So she divided up the farm (10 brothers and sisters) and gave each one a plot to do with as they please. They all got called in one by one, told 'here's yours' and that was that. No ********, no ill will, and no disagreements.

I feel sorry for those that have families which turn to vultures, it's very sad to see families go at it over some $ and especially when they have more than enough on their own.
I've been lucky so far, my biggest problem is convincing the older generation to spend all their money. They feel a need to leave an inheritance even if that negatively affects their lives now.

To avoid future problems I am trying to convince them to write wills that force liquidation and divide. I don't want to own something that other family members think of as family property. No good will come of it.
the more money involved usually the worse it is. See the Rogers family as reference. I love inheiritence , found money is fun. I wouldn't want anyone in my family to go without to leave me money, and they dont go without, but Im not turning down any coming my way.

I would say the biggest issue is lack of planning on the part of old people. They know they will go someday and lots refuse to button up the estate. They love the attention, the family plotting who gets what. Estate planning is easy and cheap, yet they play it out, oh... I dont know what to do with my money... oh what to do with the jewelery.. OLD=STUPID

My FIL is the classic example, he says , I'm going to sit up there and look down upon you guys fighting over my stuff and laugh. I assured him when he goes, he'll be looking up...and there will be no fights over his crap, I'm giving his favorite things to the NDP, some to the Parti Quebec and a large donation to a gay charity.
My FIL is the classic example, he says , I'm going to sit up there and look down upon you guys fighting over my stuff and laugh. I assured him when he goes, he'll be looking up...and there will be no fights over his crap, I'm giving his favorite things to the NDP, some to the Parti Quebec and a large donation to a gay charity.

That made my day :lmao:
Other than the house I grew up in there isn't much that my parents have that I am emotionally attached to, it's just stuff, my sister and I already have the wedding bands. The furniture, knickknacks and gadgets don't really mean much, they've all changed over the years. Though I wouldn't mind my dad's espresso machine.
I'm angling for the sweat off of sonnys nut sack.
at the end of the hobbit they thought bilbo was dead and started to auction off everything he had.

I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean.

So are you saying that your family is not as honest as mine? That property of the deceased would be stolen before the body is even in the grave?
at the end of the hobbit they thought bilbo was dead and started to auction off everything he had.

Oh, thanks a lot Link... I haven't watched the final movie yet.
Don't ever be surprised with friends and family and what they are capable of when it comes to anything of monetary value. I went through hell and back being the executor after my father died selling his house in Toronto and then splitting the funds. Like you said they didn't need it but free makes people go apeshit.

sad but true........

This is how family members stop talking to each other. Someone crosses a new line by grabbing too much, someone else gets a lawyer involved, then they all take a blood feud to their graves. Seems stupidly shortsighted to me, but for all we know they already hated each other.

How about if that someone grabs it all ! is it time to get a lawyer! ?

Well.. I say YES... the math I saw in the will said divide by 3.... which really should have been divide by 4 as the gubbermint wants their share.

1/3 of the people have taken all things they want.. and given away things they didn't want to the grandkids.. and made arrangements to own the real estate... at a "appraised" value less than 50% of what houses on either side ...
#2 of 3 has disappeared all the business tools and equipment.. and a lot of other things,, as well as getting a few hundred thou lent as a unregistered mortgage... I see that a inheritance in advance..

and #3 of 3 has nothing............ so nothing to loose is the way I see it.. cause once the lawyers fight it out .. there won't be anything to do but pay them!

the will is very poorly written..

so.. to add my story.... folks in my family tree ended up raising 2 very young girls.. their cousins.... they were never called daughters... always called the "cousins" when anything was said about the girls.
when those folks died,, they left "everything to the cousins"
<sigh> well , the lawyers couldn't find it in the dictionary where 2 girls could get "everything" if it was left to be divided amungst all the cousins.
when I got the call to confirm I was a cousin........ I knew there was a problem with the wording of the will... and I wouldn't accept any money.
I found out later.. ALL the other cousins had a big smile on their face!! even tho almost all of them didn't even KNOW WHO died ... long lost relative left them money eh......... sigh...
I didn't mean it like that. It was a hypothetical timeline of events. Party A starts grabbing with both hands, Party B takes affront to that, hence the lawyer, Party A takes affront to the involvement of the lawyer, child C wonders why daddy is ****ing yelling all the time, etc.

Get one lawyer involved, there might be something left. Get two lawyers, and you get mutually assured attorney's fees
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