[RANT] Getting so sick of the insurance industry in this god damned province

Not supporting the law breaker. Just saying what he's doing is understandable. Not all of us grew up with rich parents to run to.

Not understandable unless maybe the guy is on a 50 cc scoot to get to work. Riding dirty is mostly ego driven.
It's as understandable as the guy who robs people every night because he's not paid as much as he wants in his regular job.
Its understandable because hes got nothing to lose.

he's already breaking the law and riding without insurance. What are they gonna do? Jack up his rates? Not like hes gonna get insurance the next time he decides to ride.

You cant sue him, because hes broke, matter of fact YOU lose time+money+energy by running around in circles filing motions, fiddling with paperwork, and paying for lawyers in the courts every week.

Laws are there to deter folks like you and me. But people who have nothing to lose, deterrents don't work, not like the bank robber doesn't already know that his actions might lead to possible jail time.
If he goes ahead and robs the bank, the law didn't act as a deterrent did it? It might punish him, but as a deterrent it didn't do its job.
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There is a big fine for riding without insurance. If he doesn't have a dollar to his name then he can't even afford to run a vehicle, never mind insurance. But he'll still have to pay the fine.

You're also ignoring transportation alternatives. Even where there's no transit he could walk, cycle, hitch a ride for free. That's assuming he had a job to go to and was living paycheque to paycheque.

It also implies that having a moral vacuum is 'understandable', since it means he wouldn't care about taking responsibility for the harm he may cause.

Laws are only 'deterents' if you assume nobody has a moral compass of their own. For the rest of us, they are 'guides' for when we're not fully aware of the hazards and consequences of certain actions. If I don't understand electric systems then I learn the code and follow it, or hire someone who does. If I need to cross the street against the light I make sure it's not impeding anyone and go ahead, because I understand the risks and take responsibility for my actions.
If they riding dirty, they dont care

I liken that to the rise of "generation me"...seems lots these days only really care about what they want/themselves, and disregard all the rest. Almost seems like narcissism is at an all time high, plus an inability to delay gratification at all tbh. (will not wait and must have what they want now or 5 mins ago).
To all the people drinking the Ontario Koolaid, use one of the on-line quote systems to get a quote on your current ride in another Province (New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are good examples). I moved to Ontario years ago and was so shocked at the Insurance Rates I said screw it and sold my bike. After not riding for 15 years I bit the bullet and picked up a Triumph Daytona. My rates are pretty decent due to my age, driving record and Affiliation program that TD offers. I almost moved back to NS last year and got a quote for my current bike with a Halifax, Nova Scotia address. Identical insurance was 35% less.

Yes, Ontario (especially in the GTA) has some horrible drivers and that probably explains a bit of the difference, but pretty much every other Province (Quebec might be the exception) is generally cheaper to insure bikes (and cars) than Ontario.
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