Radar traps operating in private property - what's the deal?

WHY is enforcing speed regulations "tax collection"?

Explain to me how a citation causes drivers to 'slow down'

Explain to me why our speed limits are artificially low and do not reasonably reflect our highway logistics (if everyone goes 100kph, we're screwed)

Explain to me why speed is the root cause of only a small percentage of accidents yet it's the most persecuted?

Explain to me why Fantino has a hard on about speed, got his plane, wants to drop the 'street racing' bs to 30kph over?

Explain to me why the government will never impliment reasonable and sensible safe-driving initiatives?

Explain to me why you rarely see police set up in areas that make sense (school zones, hospital zones, parks, residential) yet you can be damn sure you see them in speed transition zones and freeways?
Explain to me how a citation causes drivers to 'slow down'

Explain to me why our speed limits are artificially low and do not reasonably reflect our highway logistics (if everyone goes 100kph, we're screwed)

Explain to me why speed is the root cause of only a small percentage of accidents yet it's the most persecuted?

Explain to me why Fantino has a hard on about speed, got his plane, wants to drop the 'street racing' bs to 30kph over?

Explain to me why the government will never impliment reasonable and sensible safe-driving initiatives?

Explain to me why you rarely see police set up in areas that make sense (school zones, hospital zones, parks, residential) yet you can be damn sure you see them in speed transition zones and freeways?

No no no.
I asked you a question that you haven't answered.
You made a statement that "This type of tax collection does nothing to promote public safety." and I asked you for your reasoning for making that statement... to which you respond with a bunch of dumb questions that have nothing to do with the defence of your statement.
Let me ask you again; Why do you see the enforcement of speed regulations as "Tax Collection"?
You answer my question... then I'll answer yours.
Explain to me how a citation causes drivers to 'slow down'

- For whatever reason, drivers who have received a citation for speeding tend to slow down for a while. Others who see someone getting a citation at the roadside rather illogically slow down also.

Explain to me why our speed limits are artificially low and do not reasonably reflect our highway logistics (if everyone goes 100kph, we're screwed)

- Because the speed limits must be set for the lowest common denominator. The fact that you might be able to safely travel at 40 Kmh over the limit doesn't mean that Aunt May can.

Explain to me why speed is the root cause of only a small percentage of accidents yet it's the most persecuted?

- While it is rarely the root cause of collisions, "speed is a factor" is quite frequently an accurate statement. It most certainly increases the results of other mistakes that drivers make. It is the only quantifiable measure of "bad driving" and, therefore, the easiest to prosecute for.

Explain to me why Fantino has a hard on about speed, got his plane, wants to drop the 'street racing' bs to 30kph over?

- Because he's a creature of political expedient. I fully expect him to run for office, once he's retired from police life.

Explain to me why the government will never impliment reasonable and sensible safe-driving initiatives?

- Because our culture is reactive, no pro-active. If government steps in to correct a perceived problem with initiatives that look at the root cause, not the results, it is invariably lambasted for interfering with our lives. As a result we get reactive measures that are frequently out of scale with the issue at hand.

Explain to me why you rarely see police set up in areas that make sense (school zones, hospital zones, parks, residential) yet you can be damn sure you see them in speed transition zones and freeways?

- They do. I live across the street and down the road from two schools. I frequently see them setting up RADAR in these areas. If you aren't seeing it, it isn't because they aren't doing it.

The police that you're seeing on highways and in speed transition zones will tend to be OPP, not Regional cops.

Good enough?
Good enough?

Not really... ahem... all of your points are open for debate. :p

Especially the "speed is a factor" comment... you say that speed increases the results of other mistakes that drivers make, and I guess we can all agree that the faster you go, the less time you have to react and make decisions. But...

If we were to follow this logic that you present, why not reduce the speed limit in the 400 hwys to 80kph? Or, even better, 70kph? That would reduce accidents, right? Or why not simply enforce the current limit (100 kph) very strictly? That would reduce accidents, right?

Wait a minute... is the Gov really trying to reduce accidents? Is that truly their goal?

The truth is more than black and white. Opinions are polarized in this topic. The whole system is messed up out there, new legislation, the courts are getting full, motorists are gouged everyday with the minimum $2,000 ticket, accidents keep happening!! and <IN opinion my>the main force behind this chaos is the insurance companies' rates going up with each ticket.
Not really... ahem... all of your points are open for debate. :p

Especially the "speed is a factor" comment... you say that speed increases the results of other mistakes that drivers make, and I guess we can all agree that the faster you go, the less time you have to react and make decisions. But...

If we were to follow this logic that you present, why not reduce the speed limit in the 400 hwys to 80kph? Or, even better, 70kph? That would reduce accidents, right? Or why not simply enforce the current limit (100 kph) very strictly? That would reduce accidents, right?

Wait a minute... is the Gov really trying to reduce accidents? Is that truly their goal?

The truth is more than black and white. Opinions are polarized in this topic. The whole system is messed up out there, new legislation, the courts are getting full, motorists are gouged everyday with the minimum $2,000 ticket, accidents keep happening!! and <in opinion="" my="">the main force behind this chaos is the insurance companies' rates going up with each ticket.

I disagree that reducing the limit to 80 Kmh would decrease the number of collisions. It might decrease the number of deaths though. Don't give them any ideas.

I've been trying to find statistics on the number of crashes and fatalities since 203 went into force. Do you have them? Accidents keep happening but is it more, less, or the same number?
at the end of the day you were speeding YOU DESERVE THE TICKET:D you give bikers a bad name
I disagree that reducing the limit to 80 Kmh would decrease the number of collisions. It might decrease the number of deaths though. Don't give them any ideas.

I've been trying to find statistics on the number of crashes and fatalities since 203 went into force. Do you have them? Accidents keep happening but is it more, less, or the same number?

Rob, file a freedom of information request. When I get a little spare time I intend to do the same.
Rob, file a freedom of information request. When I get a little spare time I intend to do the same.

The problem with that is the data may not yet exist, to be reported. I don't know if they do month - to - month stats. We might have to wait until next year, to find out what is happening this year (in fact it's quite likely so).

I'll certainly try to get it, but I suspect that there's nothing to get.
The problem with that is the data may not yet exist, to be reported. I don't know if they do month - to - month stats. We might have to wait until next year, to find out what is happening this year (in fact it's quite likely so).

I'll certainly try to get it, but I suspect that there's nothing to get.

well I still have a bet on here that accident statistics will stay the same or be higher for the first year post 203 ;p I'm pretty sure its worth $100 to ride for sight so it'll be interesting to obtain that information as soon as it becomes available.
To the top!

Why???? It looked pretty well answered:

I realize that this isn't necessarily a definitive source, but I found this at http://www.ontariotraffictickets.com/tickets/speeding-FAQs.htm

Q. The officer wasn’t on the street but was on private property. Is he allowed to do this? Is this considered trespassing and does it affect the ticket?
  1. The officer can write speeding tickets or set up radar on any location he wants. If the property owner came out and asked the officer to move off his property the officer would have to do so. It does not affect the validity of any speeding ticket or traffic ticket.
  2. The property owners consent or lack thereof is NOT vital to the case.
  3. A speeding ticket can not be written on private property, the motor vehicle must have been on the roadway while speeding.
Why???? It looked pretty well answered:

Old posts eventually get purged (deleted from the databse) and the information is lost.
I didn't mean to restart the conversation... just bring it to the top because a different member was asking about the same issue

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