Racer 5 Track Intro Review

ooh that reducing radius turn looks fun, is that where most of the track run offs happen?
In my group of 5 (back in 2019), at least 4 of us ran off there. On one occasion, 2 people in the group went down on the same lap and ended up within 5 feet of each other.
Some incidents at T2 because it's the hardest braking zone and because of the bump at the apex (stay a foot or two off the inside curbing). Also because of poor body position and dragging toes or pegs and getting startled. But it's also the slowest point on the track so they're not usually a big deal.

Some incidents in the Carousel (the big turn at the end of the straight) once you get off leash because you can go in there faster than your brain/eyes can process when you're still learning. There's a good reason that the course spends a lot of time at a controlled speed behind the instructor.

T2>T3 is a doozy for the unprepared, even at low speeds. Quite a fast transition from left to right.

It is pretty cool to have the planes takeoff and landing next to you while you`re gunning down the straight.

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