Questions for a new person

Private land requires insurance even with permission and also a green plate. Only place insurance is not needed is your own property.

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At this point, just get yourself an M2 and an old pickup there are lots of dirt cheap dirt bikes that are cheap to rebuild for about $300 after taxes because they are 2 stroke and only have like 7 moving parts versus a 4 stroke which are usually close to $1000 minimum on the smaller bikes.
People are going to throw around numbers on here that may or may not be accurate. I couldn't picture a 250 being 6k-10k for insurance/year at the age of 16. If I were you, I would write the M1 and book and MSF course and if you pass you get your M2. The reason is because the M2 last 5 years and a lot of the restrictions are lifted and it's cheaper on insurance. If you want a motorcycle, might be time to consider getting a part-time job to help pay for the insurance if you go this route. As for insurance, the only place that would insure me was TD insurance. I was 19, had just gotten my M1 and didn't have any other license. For my first year, I paid 3800 on a brand new Honda CBR 250RA with a riding course. Now two years later, Im paying 1900/year for a DRZ 400 SM with a clean record.
try to convince your dad to get his license and get the insurance on him, and you as the secondary. your rate will decrease significantly. Insurance is a scam in ontario...and you don't lose anything by not having your own insurance
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