question regarding mortgage?

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WOw, just WOW Red.....Did you SERIOUSLY just tell everyone who wants to pay off their mortgages instead of investing that they lack intelligence? Hooooly **** that is making my blood boil.

Its pieces of **** like you that we're in this ****ing mess to begin with! The "invest, its great, ZERO risk, why be a sucker and pay off your debt...." mentality that is so popular with mainstream society now-a-day is why we have the highest debt-to-income ration in history, why the economy is in the shitter, why everywhere i go i see "for lease" signs on business properties, why the US economy is on the bring of collapse. The shilling of the "you got debt? thats okay, take out MORE debt to get out of the previous debt"

For every one of your "stories" of success, there are a thousand people who have failed! Guess what, you, if you are as successful as you state, and i really doubt it as truly successful people never brag about it, are the exception to the rule. Just like that guy that wins the lotto doesnt mean YOU will, but the damn commercials sure make it seems so.

In the end, the ones who paid of the mortgage, when the tough times come will still have a roof over their heads, while the ones who leveraged themselves will be crying poor. I've seen it done before, on large scales and it will happen again.

I have to agree with this.

Whats worse than paying $700,000 for a house that is worth $400,000?

Owing a million on a $400,000 house.
What the hell are you talking about? There is no free lunch. Invest and make 8% guaranteed annually and if the build makes numbers its 12%. No catch. Yes it is more risky than paying off a mortgage. Stop being nuts and if you are interested get involved before you invest. Sitting here going on about sh*t you obviously no nothing about is pointless.
Maybe just stick to paying off your mortgage like Lightcycle recommends is best for you as it's clear you are both terrified of contemplating anything beyond that.

LOL ...

For what it's worth, it's been a couple of years since I made my last mortgage payment.

And I do borrow against principal to invest on occasion, when an opportunity presents itself that seems likely to earn more than the borrowing cost. I never did this until the mortgage was gone, and on the occasion that I do borrow to invest, the amount that I borrow is covered a few times over. I will freely admit that when estimating when an investment seemed likely to earn more than the borrowing cost, I haven't always been right. But on the overall ... I've been doing okay.

No real estate, other than a percentage in publicly traded, well-established (and dividend-paying) REITs, though.
WOw, just WOW Red.....Did you SERIOUSLY just tell everyone who wants to pay off their mortgages instead of investing that they lack intelligence? Hooooly **** that is making my blood boil.

Its pieces of **** like you that we're in this ****ing mess to begin with! The "invest, its great, ZERO risk, why be a sucker and pay off your debt...." mentality that is so popular with mainstream society now-a-day is why we have the highest debt-to-income ration in history, why the economy is in the shitter, why everywhere i go i see "for lease" signs on business properties, why the US economy is on the bring of collapse. The shilling of the "you got debt? thats okay, take out MORE debt to get out of the previous debt"

For every one of your "stories" of success, there are a thousand people who have failed! Guess what, you, if you are as successful as you state, and i really doubt it as truly successful people never brag about it, are the exception to the rule. Just like that guy that wins the lotto doesnt mean YOU will, but the damn commercials sure make it seems so.

In the end, the ones who paid of the mortgage, when the tough times come will still have a roof over their heads, while the ones who leveraged themselves will be crying poor. I've seen it done before, on large scales and it will happen again.

I only read the first line of this because you're clearly either nuts or drunk. NO. I did not say that people who want to pay off their mortgage lack intelligence. Perhaps before you write a lengthy diatribe on something you should know what you are writing about. Just a tip....
Lightcycle said, in a matter of words, that people on this board lack the intelligence to invest in anything beyond a mortgage.
Now run along my little dyslexic.
Lightcycle said, in a matter of words, that people on this board lack the intelligence to invest in anything beyond a mortgage.
Now run along my little dyslexic.

Yes, the general population lack the intelligence AND discipline to invest in anything beyond a mortgage. This board is made up of the general population. So.....
LOL! Sig still gone *and* still replying! :lmao:

You're not working with any tools are ya? Only have one paddle in the water?....yep
I was kind of excited to see you sold your homes and went touring on your bike but now I'm kind of concerned. Hopefully someone is monitoring you and keeping tabs to make sure you don't end up living in a box on the street.

I put it in my signature because I like to network. I'm good at what I do and I make people money and that makes them happy which makes me happy. I took it down. What else ya got? My guess, not much. Maybe an inch ;)
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Wow! Just wow! Is it only January????????

Gold I tell!!!!!!!!

The thread I mean but, buy gold too!!!!

you're not worth the effort and would be more of a headache.

you're not working with any tools are ya? Only have one paddle in the water?....yep
i was kind of excited to see you sold your homes and went touring on your bike but now i'm kind of concerned. Hopefully someone is monitoring you and keeping tabs to make sure you don't end up living in a box on the street.

Jesus christ, where have all the intelligent people gone? I'm being bombarded with morons. This forum can be so disappointing. How is "lol" a rebuttal and how does any grown man use it without feeling embarrassed? Both these guys are doing worse than Rock Hudson and Liberace's T-cells at arguing with me. Give me something to work with people!!!
Rich ppl problems.....

Always seem so angry and uptight.

Enjoy life, spend some of your wealth.

you're not worth the effort and would be more of a headache.

You're not working with any tools are ya? Only have one paddle in the water?....yep
I was kind of excited to see you sold your homes and went touring on your bike but now I'm kind of concerned. Hopefully someone is monitoring you and keeping tabs to make sure you don't end up living in a box on the street.

I put it in my signature because I like to network. I'm good at what I do and I make people money and that makes them happy which makes me happy. I took it down. What else ya got? My guess, not much. Maybe an inch :wink:

Jesus christ, where have all the intelligent people gone? I'm being bombarded with morons. This forum can be so disappointing. How is "lol" a rebuttal and how does any grown man use it without feeling embarrassed? Both these guys are doing worse than Rock Hudson and Liberace's T-cells at arguing with me. Give me something to work with people!!!

"Lol" doesn't translate to "I've got nothing" or "I've got a one inch dick". If you don't want the genie, don't rub the lamp ;) You deserve everything I've said about you.
you're not worth the effort and would be more of a headache.

You're not working with any tools are ya? Only have one paddle in the water?....yep
I was kind of excited to see you sold your homes and went touring on your bike but now I'm kind of concerned. Hopefully someone is monitoring you and keeping tabs to make sure you don't end up living in a box on the street.

I put it in my signature because I like to network. I'm good at what I do and I make people money and that makes them happy which makes me happy. I took it down. What else ya got? My guess, not much. Maybe an inch ;)

Jesus christ, where have all the intelligent people gone? I'm being bombarded with morons. This forum can be so disappointing. How is "lol" a rebuttal and how does any grown man use it without feeling embarrassed? Both these guys are doing worse than Rock Hudson and Liberace's T-cells at arguing with me. Give me something to work with people!!!

"Lol" doesn't translate to "I've got nothing" or "I've got a one inch dick". If you don't want the genie, don't rub the lamp :wink: You deserve everything I've said about you.

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