Question about fire

Got a call back from a new adjuster, they forgot to ask me about 100 questions. The questions included: was I on the bike, were the doors locked, did I install a new stereo and did I set fire to the bike? After anwsering them I was told to wait again, got another call asking if the frame etc is free of ice, I said no and have not heard back in almost a week.
The correct answer to all these questions is yes, under the condition that they all happened simultaneously.
oh my , is Ashton Kutcher part of that insurance co. It sounds like you are being punked!

ME,, I'd be calling an independant, it would be worth buying them an hr of their time, and a box of beer!
I'd present the way your insurance co has responded to your claim,, and ask how you should proceed, and what to expect,, especially over and above the motorcycle claim at this point,,, I don't know what you should be entitled to.. but there must be other expenses for the hell you are going thru..
and a look at their website shows a 800 number to call Intact.. and ask what is happening,, and compare that to your broker,s story!

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blah blah blah...
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It's not my broker messing around, she doesn't know whats going on at Intact. I have had three claims adjusters(Intact), its the 800 number where I call. I don't think they even know what there doing. Can I also ask for my for my remaining insurance balance back? $300 was paid in late December.
Yes look for bikes that are the same as yours on ebay, (just make sure they are CDN bikes), kijiji, dealerships, auto trader ANY place you can find them then take the "average" and that would be considered "reasonable". Obviously, bikes at dealerships are going to be listed higher.
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