Public education

Where the hell could I have signed up to get a free college education?

I had the marks, the drive, the smarts but the money just wasn't there for a variety of reasons.

Yes, I did get "free" schooling via the "taxpayer", but I had to trade in a lot of freedoms to do so.
Cheap compared to American tuition which is not subsidized. Canadian tuition prices only cover a fraction of actual costs.

We could always switch to a socialist system, based on merits.. You get 0-70, you pay the full cost, 70-90 partly subsidized, 90+ free ride. That can always be tweaked based on the need for the profession, so if we have too many fine arts grads but not enough engineers, lower the subsidy bar for engineering students until we meet our goal. I'd stand behind that.
Isnt this always the case?

Wouldn't be if you had to pay an unsubsidized rate for fine arts and a subsidized rate for engineering, for example
Wouldn't be if you had to pay an unsubsidized rate for fine arts and a subsidized rate for engineering, for example

its not exactly like that now. But it is a lot easier to get outside funding for a professional degree. I had a lot more scholarship options and bursuary options, as well as private financing options in law school than I did in amy arts undergrad.
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