Thanks for the link - I didn't even know that JREF called her out.
I'm a pretty big skeptic when it comes to a lot of things, but I've been trying to keep an open mind to things like this (and religion). I've spent a lot of time researching/reading on Extra Sensory Perception & parapsychology and I don't blame her for ducking the challenge. It's a bad look for her, but even if I were a legitimate psychic, I wouldn't do it either because that isn't how ESP works (supposedly).
On a side note, it's claimed that everyone has some sort of intuition/ESP, but we learn to repress it as society thinks it's taboo. Think of how children often have ghost sightings of grandparents that they've never seen before, etc. There's also a bit of truth to women's intuition (apparently).
If you guys wanna try something interesting, get a friend who has a pretty good sense of things (they have bad feelings about things and tend to be right about them. Usually women lol) and grab a deck of cards. Take the cards 1-10 from any suit and draw a random card then take turns putting your hand on each other's temples to try and guess the number. There's a very high chance that the other person will start averaging 6-8/10 right over time. You, if you're a skeptic will probably be negative and you'll be very lucky to get even half of them right. That isolates chance as a factor & facial cues aren't a variable if you close your eyes. Interesting, no?
I'm still undecided on this whole psychic thing, but I'm not sure it's as impossible as skeptics make it. It's a bit hard to study, measure & quantify...