Psychic Nikki & Predictions for 2012

If you were so good and confident at something, wouldn't you accept the million dollar challenge?

"Hopefully, the JREF's Million Dollar Challenge makes people think twice when they hear psychics claiming they can predict the future or talk to the dead," Randi said. "If psychics can really do what they say they can, why hasn't anyone taken our million dollars?"

I have to admit to grudging respect for a good con-artist. I don't agree with what they're doing and I wouldn't do it myself but it does make me smile a bit to see them make gullible people give them money.
If you were so good and confident at something, wouldn't you accept the million dollar challenge?

"Hopefully, the JREF's Million Dollar Challenge makes people think twice when they hear psychics claiming they can predict the future or talk to the dead," Randi said. "If psychics can really do what they say they can, why hasn't anyone taken our million dollars?"

Thanks for the link - I didn't even know that JREF called her out.

I'm a pretty big skeptic when it comes to a lot of things, but I've been trying to keep an open mind to things like this (and religion). I've spent a lot of time researching/reading on Extra Sensory Perception & parapsychology and I don't blame her for ducking the challenge. It's a bad look for her, but even if I were a legitimate psychic, I wouldn't do it either because that isn't how ESP works (supposedly).

On a side note, it's claimed that everyone has some sort of intuition/ESP, but we learn to repress it as society thinks it's taboo. Think of how children often have ghost sightings of grandparents that they've never seen before, etc. There's also a bit of truth to women's intuition (apparently).

If you guys wanna try something interesting, get a friend who has a pretty good sense of things (they have bad feelings about things and tend to be right about them. Usually women lol) and grab a deck of cards. Take the cards 1-10 from any suit and draw a random card then take turns putting your hand on each other's temples to try and guess the number. There's a very high chance that the other person will start averaging 6-8/10 right over time. You, if you're a skeptic will probably be negative and you'll be very lucky to get even half of them right. That isolates chance as a factor & facial cues aren't a variable if you close your eyes. Interesting, no?

I'm still undecided on this whole psychic thing, but I'm not sure it's as impossible as skeptics make it. It's a bit hard to study, measure & quantify...
I think it's more of people are fooled by their mind. Take for example, if you give a person pills that do nothing and tell them it's going to cure their sickness. Mentally they start to feel better and sometimes they start to feel better. If a person wants to believe that something will come through so badly they will look for signs and try to argue that it came through even if only some bits of it came through. A lot of it is coincidence.

Is it possible? Hell ya. Are people able to do it on a regular basis? Nope. We will evolve into this soon enough.

Thanks for the link - I didn't even know that JREF called her out.

I'm a pretty big skeptic when it comes to a lot of things, but I've been trying to keep an open mind to things like this (and religion). I've spent a lot of time researching/reading on Extra Sensory Perception & parapsychology and I don't blame her for ducking the challenge. It's a bad look for her, but even if I were a legitimate psychic, I wouldn't do it either because that isn't how ESP works (supposedly).

On a side note, it's claimed that everyone has some sort of intuition/ESP, but we learn to repress it as society thinks it's taboo. Think of how children often have ghost sightings of grandparents that they've never seen before, etc. There's also a bit of truth to women's intuition (apparently).

If you guys wanna try something interesting, get a friend who has a pretty good sense of things (they have bad feelings about things and tend to be right about them. Usually women lol) and grab a deck of cards. Take the cards 1-10 from any suit and draw a random card then take turns putting your hand on each other's temples to try and guess the number. There's a very high chance that the other person will start averaging 6-8/10 right over time. You, if you're a skeptic will probably be negative and you'll be very lucky to get even half of them right. That isolates chance as a factor & facial cues aren't a variable if you close your eyes. Interesting, no?

I'm still undecided on this whole psychic thing, but I'm not sure it's as impossible as skeptics make it. It's a bit hard to study, measure & quantify...
I think it's more of people are fooled by their mind. Take for example, if you give a person pills that do nothing and tell them it's going to cure their sickness. Mentally they start to feel better and sometimes they start to feel better. If a person wants to believe that something will come through so badly they will look for signs and try to argue that it came through even if only some bits of it came through. A lot of it is coincidence.

Is it possible? Hell ya. Are people able to do it on a regular basis? Nope. We will evolve into this soon enough.

The mind is a powerful thing!
Its called the Placebo effect. Diseases and Illnesses have been known to cure itself this way. Case-in-point those miracle worshippers who profess they have been miraculously cured from believing in a particular religion.
A Formula One crash involving more than 20 cars. Seeing as there's only 24 cars on the grid, uh, no.

Maybe one of the transporters will crash during an 'away' race. If they can fit 7 teams on one plane, 3 cars per team, that's 21 cars. Uh-oh!
I think it's more of people are fooled by their mind. Take for example, if you give a person pills that do nothing and tell them it's going to cure their sickness. Mentally they start to feel better and sometimes they start to feel better. If a person wants to believe that something will come through so badly they will look for signs and try to argue that it came through even if only some bits of it came through. A lot of it is coincidence.

I worked in a hospital and the nurses used to complain that they cant give out sugar pills anymore. Just silly little pills made purely of sugar but the nurses could give them out without a prescription and they said it would cure a lot.

The mind is a powerful thing!
Its called the Placebo effect. Diseases and Illnesses have been known to cure itself this way. Case-in-point those miracle worshippers who profess they have been miraculously cured from believing in a particular religion.

Yep, they actually use this when they trial medicine out. There are two groups and noone but the docs know whos in what group. Thats how they test the meds.
Yep, they actually use this when they trial medicine out. There are two groups and noone but the docs know whos in what group. Thats how they test the meds.

One of the most successful experiments are "double blind" where the experimenter or the experimentee do not know whats being tested. I've done experiments (being the experimenter) where I am really tempted to curve the results, simply because I put so much effort into it, I do not want to see it fail
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