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Is that from the first Alien movie
Space jockey (Google it) and yes, you see him in the movie Alien
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Is that from the first Alien movie
Space jockey (Google it) and yes, you see him in the movie Alien
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First movie in about 10 years I actually want to see at a movie theater. I am a bit of a nut for the early Alien movie and seeing how this one offers an explanation of the space jockey I can't wait to find time to go see it.
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i am the same way and i felt dissapointed. yes you learn who the space jockey is and who the "engineers" are but it feels anti-climatic and rushed. It felt like the whole movie is leading up to something that never happens.
When the landed in on the planet in alien they found him there. There was no explanation for it, it was a mystery to the crew members as well as the audience. There has been a lot of fan fiction and what not about the why and hows of what he is doing there but they left it at that.
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Exactly. In the first movie they find him in the flight chair with his chest burst open. Now, think about the ending in promethius. Where did he die?
I just thought that was odd.
Sorry, thought you saw it already.....
And yes, slightly on the Xenos but they don't play much of a roll.
yes you learn who the space jockey is and who the "engineers" are but it feels anti-climatic and rushed. It felt like the whole movie is leading up to something that never happens.
I haven't seen Alien yet, but since Prometheus is the prequel...should I watch that one first? & are the sequels worth watching? They all have pretty questionable ratings on imdb
My interest is piqued 'cause I didn't think it'd be this big of a deal
SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!
the whole movie lacked .....something.....lets call it depth.
everything they did felt rushed and not thought through. all the emotions felt weak. I mean, what was Charlize's role in the movie? to be the bad guy? to represent the corporation like in the Aliens? The whole "old dude" thing felt dumb and unneeded.
The two guys get lost and stuck in the structure, they are freaking out and then they decide to PET?! the nasty snake looking thing....REALLY!
They get attacked in the structure when they go looking for their missing guys, and then totally forget about them!?
I left the movie theater feeling good about it, but the more i think about it, the more i realize that it felt shallow and unrefined.
Yeah, this is what I meant that the movie lacks character development. Usually when a pivotal character in a movie dies you, as the viewer, give a crap. Maybe even feel sad. Why? Cause the movie builds relationships between characters, let's you experience their struggles, etc. So eventually when they die you feel some sort of emotions. In this movie when people started dropping dead you're just like "next!" cause who cares? I mean, that Shaw chick and the dude are clearly in love with each other but when he bites the dust I was just like "oh coool, he's on fire"..."oh, he's a zombie now, smash smash smash". Mehhhh.
I think the movie spent a lot of time building this awesome universe and wowing you with the visuals that they really didn't put much effort into actually developing, and telling the story. I mean the MAIN IDEAS in the story are actually pretty good but they just aren't told very well.
SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, what was Charlize's role in the movie? to be the bad guy? to represent the corporation like in the Aliens?
Yea, so the crew just found out that humans and the "engineers" share the DNA 100% and everyone is..."Cool....whats for dinner..." type of emotion. And they TOTALLY messed up the whole "alien queen" lays eggs with face sucker in it, then those face sucker implant the drone alien in you that burst out of your chest. So now the "alien" is a liquid substance? Gheeeeeey....
I am not a fan of the Alien series, but this movie I really enjoyed. I was not planning on watching it in 3D, I really don't like 3D but this was only playing in 3D. Turns out it was a fantastic movie for 3D, one of the better ones I have ever seen. I would have been perfectly happy if it was completely separate from the Alien universe, I thought the story was interesting and visually really well done.
3D tends to be best when it's underplayed. I've seen some 3D movies that gave me motion sickness, because it was pushed far too much.
But Alien = yes, Aliens = yes. The rest...well....not so good IMO.
Spot on i.e. don't bother after Aliens...