Problems getting ownership for dirtbike in ontario

I bought a 2006 KX450 4 years ago with no ownership. All I did was get an Affidavit notarized that stated "i swear by everything I know that I own this bike". I went to the MTO. They entered the VIN into the system and printed my ownership. The whole process cost me a $20 donation to legal aid.. plus the taxes on the "$300" dirt bike.

Not sure why they are giving you a hard time? Maybe try a different MTO that doest have crabby old ladies?
Re: Problems getting ownership for dirtbike in ontario (SOLUTION!!)

Hi im seeking any type of help.
I have bought a 2004 suzuki rm 125
I bought this bike private and without ownership because i was told all i had to get is a BILL OF SALE and AFFIDAVIT .
I got both of those things and when i went to the service ontario office in mississauga they said they couldnt not register the bike. Because they dont have any info about it in their system. They said it wouldnt be an issue if any of the previous owners had it registered. But since the bike had never been registered they said they need a ' NVIS'
When i called the suzuki of canada
They told me that nvis is only issued once to the original owner that bought that bike new. And they couldn't realese that information to me.
I have no idea what to do next..
Did anyone have a problem like that?? Please any help is appriciated

I had this exact issue and I almost lost my mind. But, I did get my bike registered and plated and rode it all summer. To make a short story long.. I bought my 2003 dirtbike used through kijjiji. The bike was not registered and did not have an ownership because the person I bought it from lived on a 40 acre farm and would only ride on their property.
MTO in the gta is useless as F*** I went to 5 different ones and they either didn't understand the difference between a dirtbike with a green plate and a motorcycle for the streets or they couldn't do it etc. and one person told me to get a Nevis. I went to honda for a Nevis and they didn't know what it was and thought that "I" was the idiot. I ended up going to Midland ontario and there was 1, yes 1 person that works there that was able to register it for me. What I had to do was take the bike to a licenced mechanic/ dealer and have them compose a letter on a company letterhead stating that the vin's on the bike are legit to each other and that in their opinion the bike is an actual bike... Yup so with that letter and pictures of my bike and the bill of sale from the guy from kijjiji and some cash for all the bs paperwork and fees that the MTO charges he gave me a registration and my green plate! He also said that the person who told me to get the Nevis was most likely inbread lol. So thats my experience , I hope it helps you and that you didn't get rid of the bike or something. If you don't want to go as far as midland I recommend trying other places outside of the city that deal with dirtbikes. Maybe barrie? Hope it works out.
Re: Problems getting ownership for dirtbike in ontario (SOLUTION!!)

Isn't a RM250 a motocross bike? That's a competition (race) bike, right? So there was no need for the original owner to register it was there?
You didn't make it clear, in you first post, that you wanted a green plate, did you make it clear to the MTO people? Did they think that you wanted a street registration? Most of them seem to be unfamiliar with motorcycles.
There was a time when you could put street legal tires and a lighting kit on a dirt bike and get a blue plate for it but no more. They may be confusing these regulations with green plate regulations.
So i still haven't gotten my green plates, i didn't give up i just didn't have time to mess around with a that, and the season was over,
But i contacted SUZUKI CANADA and they wrote me up a letter like this and they said that i shouldnt have a problem anymore
You forgot to block out your name and address lol

Sent from my SH-02E using Tapatalk 2
I went to 3 different offices in mississauga,
I havent gone with this letter yet, but i will sometime next week, and i will let you guys know how it went.
Hey guys, i know this thread is from last year..
But i wanted to thank everyone for all the help. GUESS WHAT..
The service ontario office in kitchiner didnt give me any problems at all,
I walked in and 10 minutes later i walked out with the ownership. The letter from suzuki canada wasnt needed .. Just simply ' BILL OF SALE' and 'AFFIDAVIT'
Which is free at their office( they have a commissioner at the office)
That's a good deal you finally got a ownership, I bet you wont buy a bike without an ownership next time, its such a pain in the *** jumping the hoops to get one...
Hey guys, i know this thread is from last year..
But i wanted to thank everyone for all the help. GUESS WHAT..
The service ontario office in kitchiner didnt give me any problems at all,
I walked in and 10 minutes later i walked out with the ownership. The letter from suzuki canada wasnt needed .. Just simply ' BILL OF SALE' and 'AFFIDAVIT'
Which is free at their office( they have a commissioner at the office)

Thanks for updating the thread - seems the same still holds true; if one office gives you a hard time DON'T spend time trying to jump through their hoops, just walk into another office and try again (rinse and repeat until it works).
Yup, if anyone else is having A issue like me, just keep going to different offices, i have tried at least 5 offices And guess whAt, every office gave me. Different excuse not to give me the ownership.
This office i walked in, and the lade took a look at the bill of sale, made me an affidavit and 10 minutes later i had an ownership .
Hey guys, i know this thread is from last year..
But i wanted to thank everyone for all the help. GUESS WHAT..
The service ontario office in kitchiner didnt give me any problems at all,
I walked in and 10 minutes later i walked out with the ownership. The letter from suzuki canada wasnt needed .. Just simply ' BILL OF SALE' and 'AFFIDAVIT'
Which is free at their office( they have a commissioner at the office)

Do you remember which office it was in Kitchener that you used? I may have to visit that office shortly lol
Most of the ones in Whitby/Oshawa are familiar with offroad reg being so close to the Ganny as well
Does anyone know if a bike that was only for racing can get the green plates and off road insurance?

First I would run the VIN through and make sure it's not reported stolen.

Then I would go see if I could get a used vehicle package to see if there's any history of it in the system.

You'll see who legally owns it right now and if it hasn't been reported stolen it shouldn't be too hard to get.
Does anyone know if a bike that was only for racing can get the green plates and off road insurance?

Yes , I had to go to 5-6 different offices and every single office gave me a different excuse not to give me the ownership and green plate. All i simply did is kept on going to different offices. I finally went to kitchener (30 duke st. West) and i got my ownership without any issues. They also have a commissioner on duty and he did my affidavit for me .
Great post. Thanks for posting your findings.
I'm in the same situation.
Can anyone give details on the affidavit, what it has to state, who has to sign it?
Also where can I take it to get notarized?
See my previous post in the thread. Also Google will give multiple affidavit templates. I got mine notarized at legal aid office, gave a $20 donation for their service.
Here's a template I used. Just replace the bike info with your own.

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