Princess Auto 1000 lb motorcycle lift on sale $600

I just wish I could find a decent wheel vise for mine that wasn't close to what I paid for the lift
'Decent lift. 'Buddy has one.
I have the Harbor Freight version which is a bit wider/sturdier.. 'Got it on sale a few years ago for $289USD.
I'm telling ya.. once you have one you'll wonder how you ever did without.
The seal on mine went yesterday. I can't complain, I've had it about 10 years. Shouldn't be hard to get repaired.
I'd love to have one of these, but realestate is so tight in my garage with the Spyder and all the other stuff/tools I have out there that I'd literally have to park my bike on it every time I'm back from a ride, and I wiggle my bike into the space between the garage doors (yay for reverse!) so that there's more space to walk past it, so I'm not sure that would even work from an angle perspective.
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