presents for kids, and the

For your wife, here is an idea that is a little out of the box (half the point).... depends if she likes history, or this kind of old tech, etc. The idea here is thoughtful and romantic (the back story right up to the point he had her imprisoned until his death, skip that part...) It is also cheap. Was a big hit for my wife years ago (LeeValley used to sell them). Stocking stuffer not main gift... I got mine at LeeValley, I have not tried the other vendor, just the first one in google.,42194,74631,74654,74667

Like any gift it really depends on the person.

Another suggestion is a Swarovski Crystal christmas tree ornament. I get one each year at Costco... (which reminds me I better get on that!).
i hear ya wit the "kids" tablet
the oldest has a acer tablet that i got a costco last year and it was about $100 bucks...kinds the price point where i wont get mad if it ends up in the lake at the cottage or if she takes it in the bath with her...all strong possibilities...
well at least your kids are old enough for the switch...or a ds.. tablets are def more versatile though. so maybe that should be the priority instead. and a sturdy case
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