Post your cocktails and wines!

Re: Post your cocktails!

Try Tawse winery in vineland, they are making some remarkable reds, its one of the few wineries with a style I like in Ontario. Vinticulture has really advanced in the last 20yrs and Oregon (north of us) is producing some really nice wines.
But the fact remains an ok southern european is 1/2 ? the price of an ok Ontario.
Re: Post your cocktails!

Pinot noirs aren’t great either. Some Prince Edward county places were selling “rare vintages” for megabucks last season. I paid quite a bit to try one. It tasted like plonk and was really very bad. Some Quebec guy bought several bottles of it for no reason I could fathom. Closest place with a similar climate I can think of is Alsace and they have 1 watery red and the rest are rieslings, gewurtzstraminer, Pinot Gris etc. Basically dryish or sometimes semi sweet German style whites. Those aren’t so bad here in Ontario but they aren’t my favourites. Like I said, there’s some amazing stuff from elsewhere for $20ish these days. The Californian wine we get here is really pretty good value even with some recent price hikes.

If im not mistaken the "watery red" the produce in Alsace is in fact a Pinot Noir, now i'm not saying our Pinot Noir is good by world standards, its just one of the few reds they are able to produce here, the California reds are arguably the best in the world because they have the climate I wouldn't call it good value though, not when you compare it to Spain or Chile, sure you can get a bottle for $20 but something of that quality from Spain, Chille or Argentina will likely be half the price.
Re: Post your cocktails!

I disagree. When I was young I tried many different things to see if I liked them better than those I already knew. Now that I'm old, I'm content to sit back and reap the benefits of knowing what I like.

i'm sad to hear that, either way enjoy whatever it is you are drinking
Re: Post your cocktails!

If im not mistaken the "watery red" the produce in Alsace is in fact a Pinot Noir, now i'm not saying our Pinot Noir is good by world standards, its just one of the few reds they are able to produce here, the California reds are arguably the best in the world because they have the climate I wouldn't call it good value though, not when you compare it to Spain or Chile, sure you can get a bottle for $20 but something of that quality from Spain, Chille or Argentina will likely be half the price.

I agree generally. All those countries have their own speciality. I really like Carmenere and Malbec from South America. My reasoning for value is if I spend $20 or thereabouts on a bottle, I'm getting consistently good stuff from California vs a bit of a lottery from elsewhere. Still a good lottery though.

One thing I have a hard time with is finding a good Italian red. I haven't had much luck. Maybe I just don't like Chianti.
Re: Post your cocktails!

We just spent a week in Chianti (panzano) last month, maybe you haven't had the right one yet. And Chianti in the last decade is much improved, it was for years a bit of bingo but they have spent a lot of time lately creating a better product. Try San Felice 2015, in the LCBO right now @ 19.95.

There are some lovely Barolos and Amarone but they are a bit expensive for wednesday night.
Re: Post your cocktails!

from my experience Italian reds are either cheap or good, you can sometimes get a nice bottle of Barbaresco (same region as Barolo) for under $40, but you are generally $50+ for anything good out of Italy IMO

i'm not a huge fan of Amarone, but if you are and are looking for a cheaper alternative try some Ripasso (usually around $20 a bottle)
Re: Post your cocktails!

Beaujolais nouveau is out. I have a Georges Duboef one by me right now (Beaujolais Villages Nouveau) and it’s pretty good.
Re: Post your cocktails!

wait a second, nobody was liking the watered down lifeless reds and now Beaujolias nouveau? I cant drink it, well if you put it in front of me i'll drink it.... but i think its marketing at its finest, lets not bottle age at all, just ship and yield the bonus, lets call it a new idea
Re: Post your cocktails!

Usually I totally agree but this year it’s not too bad. Definitely not lifeless but it’s not a Cabernet Sauvignon. Definitely drinkable though for a Beaujolais.
Re: Post your cocktails!

I enjoy Tawse wines, though I mostly focus on their white varietals. Great winery.

Another nice ON wine again here.

Enjoy the weekend.
Re: Post your cocktails!

Thats a $47.95 Spanish wine, my local store has 6 in stock. I'm picking up two tomorrow, I hope your right LOL

let me know if you dont like it, i can come over and help you finish it ;-)
Re: Post your cocktails!

It was bottle two and three opened , its very tasty. Glad there was a small crowd so everybody got a glass or two.

Safety tip , if you have a couple $80-$90 bottles sitting around maybe set them aside so the corks don't get pulled by 'Gal helpful' for bottle 8 or 9 drank, since at that point it doesn't matter about taste.
Re: Post your cocktails!

It was bottle two and three opened , its very tasty. Glad there was a small crowd so everybody got a glass or two.

Safety tip , if you have a couple $80-$90 bottles sitting around maybe set them aside so the corks don't get pulled by 'Gal helpful' for bottle 8 or 9 drank, since at that point it doesn't matter about taste.

if you have anything expensive its usually recommended to keep it off site, just in case you get bottle happy after bottle 8 or 9.

speaking of $90 bottles if anyone feels like splurging its actually a great price for a 14 year old wine from Napa Valley
Re: Post your cocktails!

St-Germain, Prosecco and soda water going on here.

Drinking alone on Christmas Day, doesn't get better than this. Are you still alone with 6 dogs in the house I wonder?

Edit - just realized this sounds lonely. Lol. My awesome dog had a litter of pups a month ago and I am in my element this aft. Lazy dog day
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