Post up PICS of members bikes?

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hey Matthew...I took this pic with my 2mp camera...

do you remember where it was taken?
Here are my BIKES.....
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First ride on my new busa
I hope you take care of that bike better than you do your garage.. Does "Spring Cleaning" come to mined for anyone else when they see in content of that garage?
I've seen way worse storing conditions then that in a garage, thats a lucky Suzuki compared to some crawl spaces I've seen for storage.
I hope you take care of that bike better than you do your garage.. Does "Spring Cleaning" come to mined for anyone else when they see in content of that garage?

I see room in there for at least 5 more motorcycles in there, and could perhaps compress some of the unused crap on top of everything else, to get some more room.

I've seen, and worked with, a lot worse.. I once had a sidecar suspended by rope to the ceiling, above a stored car, to sling the sidecar outta the way - working in, and with packed conditions.

At least he's got shelves :)
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the TZR V2... (going to be the track toy of the year)


Wifey's YSR:



and the new toy just got from last weekend shopping:
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here's my toy...... only allowed one, so this is it.....
Cheers ! Les
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Another Shot agaonof my SV


So I was on the computer this morning before work checking out these pics and liked your bike....I've got an 02 blue svs without the fairing... my fiance says "ok lets go" so I turn of the computer and we walk to the bus stop. I'm not riding to work these days. No more than a five minutes later I'm at the bus stop and who stops at a red light in front of us???!!!

It was nicer in peson and that fairing really adds a nice look in person.

This was Lawrence and Underhill at say...7:55am.

Just thought I'd share.

Oh my Lighta deff wins sexiest bike this year!
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