Post up PICS of members bikes?

  • Thread starter Thread starter aRcTiC_cAt_LaKe_DrAgEr
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Looks great! More pics plz.
No, it is where I store my Superbike when I get to the twisties...

This place has so much entertainment. Between BP, Lex, cat fights, funny pictures, flame threads (mostly directed at me), etc., this place is just never ending fun.

-Jamie M.
nice 250 i dont know what the big dedal is with the black one personally i love black bikes but both this white one and the green and white are my favs.
see below...

Friggin site wont store more than 1 or 2 jpegs

Nice to see another GS, we are a rare breed in this sport bike infested site:D

Your the second person I know of here that has a GS. What year?

Mine is an 06, though this picture is a bit dated as I have added hepco & becker engine and tank guards. Just need to add some lights and I am pretty much done with farkles... for now.

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