Post up PICS of members bikes?

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I would love to go total black but hubby is not a fan and its not worth the argument. I am trying my best to stay as dark as I can with it though
After I removed some trimmings...





Hey rbjeepthing I like the silver graphics your CBR. Is that stock of aftermarket?
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Here she is, recently unwrapped still getting to know her.

My Baby 2000 SV650 nothing really special to anyone else but to me
When i was looking to buy a bike, i looked at one just like that! but it was too small for me :(
Love your bike jon929! Looks bad @#$.
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Picture doesn't show up and link doesn't work for me...

I'm not sure what I can do? It worked on my comp? I can try a diff. pic. I guess.
Think I saw this bike on the weekend. Or at least the same model with the same exhaust. Didn't love the sound but to each his own. Looks cool.
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