Possible Paving Scam?

could I start by saying that we are very old fashion and don’t know a lot about social media and Internet platforms. We recently, however, updated/renewed our website in November and I don’t feel this is caused to be associated with a scam P a paving and find these accusations absolutely ridiculous. How can you come to that conclusion just by one of our guys having an Irish accent that sounds extremely xenophobic we are all from somewhere.

We do have an office in Etobicoke and also another storage facility which we keep all of our equipment, but don’t advertise the location as we have had stuff stolen in the past.

Also, we have various different references local to you. All you had to do was call and ask I’m happy to provide you with my cell number. Could you please provide me with yours and we can discuss this matter further there hasn’t been any scam or any indication of a scam you are just jumping to conclusions I feel this is very xenophobic and damaging to our company. We are honest, hard-working guys trying to make a living, and this is causing damage to our future earnings.
I would love to know your website and references if you are legit this could be a good opportunity.

Sent from the future
Hi SCUBA, Steve yes certainly send me a message and I will send you various addresses that we have completed work, customers names, contact info, etc. I don’t feel comfortable sharing it for the world to see as I wouldn’t share your personal information as you can understand
Hi, you said you were going to remove it from your title, but yet it still showing on Google for some reason don’t understand what this witchhunt is all about just spoke to a guy called Mike from some contact information provided on jampyoo profile and he said he has no clue why his cell number is on his profile thinking this might be a hoax
I can only edit my post on the forum.
Have no control over Google.
Tempest please meet teapot.
There is a Steve Smith Construction in Stratford.

While I was looking I came across this...

"Property owners must ensure that the contractor performing driveway paving work on their property is licensed by the City of Brampton. A list of licensed contractors is available here."

I had no idea this was a requirement. None of the pavers I was considering calling are on that list.

"Both contractors and residents are responsible for ensuring that construction is in line with City by-laws, to help create safer homes and an attractive community. Failure to follow the rules could result in penalties issued to both contractor and the homeowner."

"Individuals could be fined up to $25,000 for violation of the Zoning By-law."
Markham has the same rules. Like Brampton, fighting the paving guys and fining homeowners it too much work.

The south end of Markham is similar to Brampton, most homes are multigenerational or multi tenant - a lot of cars and no street parking. Countless homes have paved front yards to accommodate cars - up to 8 cars park on some corner lots.
Hi SCUBA, Steve yes certainly send me a message and I will send you various addresses that we have completed work, customers names, contact info, etc. I don’t feel comfortable sharing it for the world to see as I wouldn’t share your personal information as you can understand
If you were reputable you would be proud to share your website and some testimonials publicly. Why hide especially when your company can't be found on Google. If it walks like a duck it probably is. Not saying this is your company but this is so common any doubt is well worth it. 'We got scammed': Locals left with mess after paving gone wrong

Sent from the future
Sounds familiar to my incident, one "company" trying to pose or confuse itself with another. I think we'll see many more of these scams.
My neighbor had these scammers do his driveway with "extra product" that they claimed they were going to have to dump if they didn't use it right away. So now my neighbor has a "paved" driveway that is basically old tire scraps and the like with just enough tar to hold it together loosely and make it look black. I have to scrape my shoes off before I go in my house, because there are mildly sticky little rocks on the bottom of them.

I feel badly for him, but not too badly... I wouldn't have let them leave with the job looking like it does.
WTF, shouldn't the police have confiscated the equipment in the first place.... how fking stupid our world has become.

No wonder Canada is ripe for fraudsters and crime, nothing get's done.
F the police getting the equipment, I'd be the one taking it if they just took off and left it..
Did you read the article, you'd be in jail, just like the homeowner who was scammed.
It is interesting how the police pick and choose which laws they want to enforce. Fraud and destruction of property are not on the list. Property crimes are normally not on the list. Makes you wonder who these scammers were that they were able to get such a rapid and effective police response? Anybody want to take bets on a close relation between the scammers and a cop?
Post fail! :rolleyes::p
or maybe reply fail... either way there was a communication breakdown..
But I'd still risk it to get the equipment
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