Port Dover Friday the 13th April 2018

As of today Accuweather is saying 14° C and some sun. Not taking any bets other than dark by midnight.

After Pooh-poohing Accuweather just a few posts above, as well a discounting long term forecasts, I willl now throw all that out the window and say.. Yay!

Now, If that forecast changes, I’ll go back to discounting them again. ;)
Nine days away and not looking great.

Accuweather and Weather Network both calling for 7-10° C and at least some precipitation.
Never, ever trust Accuweather. Weather Network is way more reliable. Anyway, yeah not looking great for the 13th.
Still way too early for anything serious so far as a legit forecast anyways.
If we can get 8+ and dry it could still be a decent day. We will see. Dry is looking to be a bit much to ask for in the 14 day
Earlier today I saw 9 Degrees and sunny, with rain moving in during the evening/overnight hours.

That'll be awfully tempting, except for the early morning hours where it'll be freakin brisk...but I'd want to be across the city before rush hour, meaning 5AM departure.

Earlier today I saw 9 Degrees and sunny, with rain moving in during the evening/overnight hours.

That'll be awfully tempting, except for the early morning hours where it'll be freakin brisk...but I'd want to be across the city before rush hour, meaning 5AM departure.


Not bad, looks like +5 over night prior. With the wet roads and another 13th looming in July i think i'll skip this one.
Looks like a total washout now....6 days of rain in a row starting Thursday..and another bloody cold spell with highs of 3 and 4 degrees.

Mother nature is off her meds.
I'm pulling the plug on this one. I haven't been out yet, crappy forecast, rusty rider, salty roads etc.

PD-13 is a bit of a hoot but not a life goal.
Oh, freakin yay. Not only a week of rain, but ****** cold rain. With ****** cold overnight lows. And more ****** snow. :rolleyes:

Good thing my Friday 13th ride will be in a van with bikes in it heading waaaay south!
Damn you both! ;)
only a few brave souls at the moment,,,,,,

but if you can't make it, you can see all the action here....



Wow! You guys actually went? Weather is looking pretty horrible. Hope you make it back before it pours.

I did not go....LOL

I only commented on the few that one can see on the live feed....

There are more trickling in.....bit by bit....

I wonder if anyone from here actually is there, perhaps they will let us know, once they are back....

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Walked the big Monkey to the bus stop this morning and it was sunny. Took the little Monkey for a walk around the block after the bus and it was cloudy by the time we got home and there were some dark purple clouds to the west moving this way (Peterborough). I will be staying home today and get my Vitamin M by playing Mario Kart Wii (you can pick bikes instead of karts) and switch the battery charger over to the next battery. Maybe tonight I'll watch "Wild Hogs" to get my dose of middle aged guys dressing up as bikers. ;)
I bailed, but had second thoughts as I was driving to work and the sun was blinding me.

But still only 4c, and now it’s cloudy which wouldn’t have helped.

But not surprisingly the forecasters blew it again. The 9c and sunny from the 14 day forecasts were junk of course, and just 24/36 hours ago they were calling for persistent rain all day which also doesn’t look like it’s going to materialize either from the look of the radar.

..so, the cold would have been the only issue really.

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