Police gain more ways to impound vehicles

Mostly not the case. And i'll say it again...you have to go to MULTIPLE court dates to get to that point. With plenty of time to plead such abuse of the system.

Are you suggesting we listen to the "poor guys"?

LOL. Cummon.

Having damned near been on the street as a kid because my father refused to pay support my take would be that it isn't smart to start pulling things in from unrelated areas. After all those court hearings what should you do? Throw the bastard in jail for non payment. His ignoring of the lawful orders of the court = contempt of court.
A recent news program showed several suspended drivers driving regularly. No big deal to them. For those suspended for DUIs the car should be impounded for a month with the driver locked in the trunk.
A recent news program showed several suspended drivers driving regularly. No big deal to them. For those suspended for DUIs the car should be impounded for a month with the driver locked in the trunk.

You already have most of your wish and then some.

The new 7-day impound is for drivers whose licenses have been suspended for administrative reasons under the HTA or other provincial laws.

Impaired drivers are in a different class. If your license is "suspended" for things like impaired driving or other criminal code driving-related offences, you are considered to be a disqualified driver. HTA section 55.(3) has been in place since 2004 and imposes automatic 45/90/180-day vehicle impounds for the 1st/2nd/3rd+ time a disqualified driver is caught driving a vehicle. The fine for a first-time disqualified driver offence is $5000 to $25,000, and double that for subsequent catches.

It's a tough measure, but one put in place precisely because of the problem with suspended drivers continuing to drive.
You already have most of your wish and then some.

The new 7-day impound is for drivers whose licenses have been suspended for administrative reasons under the HTA or other provincial laws.

Impaired drivers are in a different class. If your license is "suspended" for things like impaired driving or other criminal code driving-related offences, you are considered to be a disqualified driver. HTA section 55.(3) has been in place since 2004 and imposes automatic 45/90/180-day vehicle impounds for the 1st/2nd/3rd+ time a disqualified driver is caught driving a vehicle. The fine for a first-time disqualified driver offence is $5000 to $25,000, and double that for subsequent catches.

It's a tough measure, but one put in place precisely because of the problem with suspended drivers continuing to drive.

Not to mention the fact that someone operating a vehicle while "disqualified" for impaired operation of a vehicle is looking at the possibility of 5 years behind bars, for breach of CC.259(4)
Having damned near been on the street as a kid because my father refused to pay support my take would be that it isn't smart to start pulling things in from unrelated areas. After all those court hearings what should you do? Throw the bastard in jail for non payment. His ignoring of the lawful orders of the court = contempt of court.

you know what they say about making laws based on emotion?
you know what they say about making laws based on emotion?

I do, which is why I stick to reason. Don't expand things beyond what makes sense, based on current practise. Cars and driver's licenses have nothing to do with support payments. Contempt of court already has a consequence.
I remember when reading the Road Safety Act 2009 when it was initially published that I could see the slope starting to steepen with the government broadening the use of vehicle impoundment for a whole host of things. I mean with all of the laws put in place over the last 5 years we have a situation where

Go to cottage on Saturday, have a few beers, go out in a canoe, get stopped by cop on a boat, blow over .05, lose licence for 3 days. Sunday comes around, you have to go home and so you take the chance, get stopped by a cop. Now you're driving under suspension, car is impounded for 7 days and well we know where it goes from there. If you already had a .05 ADLS in the previous couple of years, then you're looking at have to take some alcohol education program because this is a second time and that ADLS for boozing and canoeing will have cost your licence for 7(15?) days instead of 3.

Absurd ... yes. Possibility ... definitely. Now someone will say (?) that the boozing canoer should never have driven home from the cottage. On the flip side, that person got put into a bad scenario due to laws that have nothing to do with safety on our roads.

Just one more example to add to this insanity.
Having damned near been on the street as a kid because my father refused to pay support my take would be that it isn't smart to start pulling things in from unrelated areas. After all those court hearings what should you do? Throw the bastard in jail for non payment. His ignoring of the lawful orders of the court = contempt of court.

They have been pulling drivers licenses, passports, and the like for several yeard from deadbeat dads. This is just another way to make sure that if you are a deadbeat you dont get to drive around while your kids are eating out of a food bank.

Works for me.
I have a question.....
If you miss paying a ticket (simply forget) you will have a suspended license. The gov't doesn't notify you in any way that your license has been suspended. I know a few people who were surprised when they found out their license has been suspended.

Does this mean that the new penalty for this is $1000 vehicle impound fees + the original ticket + the new insurance premium due to loosing your license and having your vehicle impounded + the new charges?
I have a question.....
If you miss paying a ticket (simply forget) you will have a suspended license. The gov't doesn't notify you in any way that your license has been suspended. I know a few people who were surprised when they found out their license has been suspended.

Does this mean that the new penalty for this is $1000 vehicle impound fees + the original ticket + the new insurance premium due to loosing your license and having your vehicle impounded + the new charges?

Maybe a clarification is needed. If this includes parking tickets what if someone steals the ticket and you don't know you got tagged? Or a lost in the mail red light ticket?
There was a case of a guy not realizing he was getting several tickets a week because a vengeful nieghbour was destroying them.
I have no problem with the concept as long as there is no potential of getting blindsided by a neighbour or Canada Post.
I have a question.....
If you miss paying a ticket (simply forget) you will have a suspended license. The gov't doesn't notify you in any way that your license has been suspended. I know a few people who were surprised when they found out their license has been suspended.

Does this mean that the new penalty for this is $1000 vehicle impound fees + the original ticket + the new insurance premium due to loosing your license and having your vehicle impounded + the new charges?

I have had a view friends who have gotten stung with improper notifications.
This is just another way to make sure that if you are a deadbeat you dont get to drive around while your kids are eating out of a food bank.

Works for me.

The problem is that many of them will keep driving, so nothing is solved, the same with many drunks. I'd still prefer to put them in jail as Rob said.
The problem is that many of them will keep driving, so nothing is solved, the same with many drunks. I'd still prefer to put them in jail as Rob said.

Yea. I guess. But if they are dumb enough to drive suspended, they then risk the 5 years anyway right?

I'm not all that convinced that people will ultimately drive under suspension as a matter of fact.
I'm not all that convinced that people will ultimately drive under suspension as a matter of fact.

Like anything else, people will try to balance risk vs benefit.

Deterrence factor of law = Penalty on detection X Perceived risk of being detected.

The updated law just made the penalty go way up.

That's what made HTA172 so effective with so many people. The chance of getting caught didn't really change much, but the repercussions sure went way up.

And like everything else, there will always be people who will risk even the most severe penalties simply because they think they're too smart to ever get caught. I'm sure several of them today will be sitting on the side of the road somewhere waiting for the police and tow truck to finish off their paperwork.
Yea. I guess. But if they are dumb enough to drive suspended, they then risk the 5 years anyway right?

I'm not all that convinced that people will ultimately drive under suspension as a matter of fact.

They've been given a lawful order by a court. If such orders aren't enforced, as such, then what's the point? Commit contempt of court; be punished for contempt of court.
You will get a 'notice of suspension' the first time you get pulled over with a suspended licence. If you get pulled over again after getting the notice, then you get charged.

ok, that makes a little more sense. It's for habbitual offenders not punish those who simply forget to pay parking fines.

(If I understand this correctly)
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