Police gain more ways to impound vehicles


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The Canadian Press

Changes to the Ontario Road Safety Act that will allow police to impound vehicles for a longer list of offences will kick in Dec. 1.

The seven-day vehicle impoundment will now apply to motorists driving with a suspended licence, being over .08 alcohol level in the blood, refusing to provide a breath sample or not having a required ignition lock device.

It will include drivers whose licences have been suspended for not making family support payments.

The changes were included in amendments to the act in 2009.

Motorists in Ontario can already lose their vehicles and licences for seven days if they are charged under the province’s stunt driving law.

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So it applies to the unlicensed. Drinkers. Idiots who are probably drunk. Convicted drunks with terms on their ability to continue to drive legally, and deadbeat dads.....

and.......???? who is supposed to be alarmed....

Besides the alarmist Tinfoil Heads.

I would not want ANY of those people operating the car next to me.
I am sorry, this made me laugh... " It will include drivers whose licences have been suspended for not making family support payments".
I did not even know this existed.
who is supposed to be alarmed....

RELAX!!! Nothing to be alarmed about unless you are one of the above mentioned subjects.

The post was in regard to changes in the HTA. Informational purposes only! Jeebus!
I am sorry, this made me laugh... " It will include drivers whose licences have been suspended for not making family support payments".
I did not even know this existed.
Actually I agree it is pretty funny, there are enough stupid drivers on the road that should be suspended from driving, and the province targets people not making support payments.
I am sorry, this made me laugh... " It will include drivers whose licences have been suspended for not making family support payments".
I did not even know this existed.

In many American States they will suspend your drivers license for failing to pay your child support. Some places will actually jail you for it. Having been the child of someone who didn't pay his child support, i would prefer those solutions.
The only one I could see any sort of issue with is the support payments.

It seems fairly easy to generically place someone as a father who pays his support, or he does not - black or white. But, there is surely the grey area, where a father lost their job, fell behind in his support payments, has a balance owing but is making payments. Seizing his car and/or denying a DL to a father that is at least TRYING to catch up on their payments might not only cost them their job, but the ecessive fees to get their car back would set them back even further.

It disgusts me at the number of women who are professional mothers, some with multiple children to different men, who are collecting alimony and child support and family responsibility from those numerous men, all the while sitting on their ***** and being less than adequate mothers. Heck, the number of single mom's with only 1 or 2 children who live quite WELL on the various social assistance programs and the fathers support payments further disgusts me.

Lastly, I fail to see how impounding a vehicle for 7 days from a father that does or does not pay their family support has anything to do with the name of the Act which empowers the seizure - the Ontario Road Safety Act. It has nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with extortion.
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Our family court system is still pretty anti-male. I've known a case where the mother and the father had shared custody but the father still had to pay child support (and don't even get me started on vaginamony a.k.a. "spousal support"). What all of this translated into was that once the father was cleaned out, he ended up with less disposable income than the mother BEFORE receiving the payments.
Having volunteered in a community center, I've seen how those professional mothers operate and that makes me sick. My only consolation is that their kids will leave'em high and dry just as they get too ugly to snag a sugardaddy.
give them an inch, they'll take a mile

swiping someone's property without the involvement of the courts is a crime imo.....and I don't care what the alleged charges are
Heads Up: Ontario Road Safety Act Ammendements, Dec 01 2010

This is a gentle reminder that the law that allows police to confiscate your ride for 7 days (Ontario Road Safety Act, 2009) has been amended to include a number of additional cases. These include:
-driving with a suspended license
-being over .08 alcohol level in the blood
-refusing to provide a breath sample or not having a required ignition lock device.
-drivers whose licenses have been suspended for not making family support payments.
-street racing

If you allow your friends and family to borrow your vehicle and they get charged for any of the above offenses, you will also lose your vehicle. There is really not much of a change for most people. Just don't drink/do drugs and drive/ride.

Sorry, info already posted, smartypants remarks included. GTAM never disappoints.
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It seems fairly easy to generically place someone as a father who pays his support, or he does not - black or white. But, there is surely the grey area, where a father lost their job, fell behind in his support payments, has a balance owing but is making payments. Seizing his car and/or denying a DL to a father that is at least TRYING to catch up on their payments might not only cost them their job, but the ecessive fees to get their car back would set them back even further.

The courts don't seize anything from the father IF he is at least making some kind of payment to the mother. It's the deadbeats that evade, elude, dodge and otherwise circumvent the system that are the ones that this law applies to...and justifiably so!

I've seen many of the welfare moms (if you can call them mothers) use the system to their advantage, but there are also a lot deadbeat fathers who will spend more money fighting in court than it would have cost them just to be responsible and pay part of their childs upbringing. All because they can't stand the mother. Who suffers? The children!

If you're man enough to play, then you damn well better be man enough to pay.
give them an inch, they'll take a mile

swiping someone's property without the involvement of the courts is a crime imo.....and I don't care what the alleged charges are

Bingo, guilty without trial. I could care less about a drunk or suspended driver losing their vehicle for a week, its the precedent that this and HTA 172 set. That precedent seems to be expanding, just waiting to see where this goes............
The courts don't seize anything from the father IF he is at least making some kind of payment to the mother. It's the deadbeats that evade, elude, dodge and otherwise circumvent the system that are the ones that this law applies to...and justifiably so!

What I don't get is how this helps the situation. If proceeds of impound were given to the mother or if the vehicle is returned when payments are caught up then this makes sense but all this does is line the pockets of towing companies. Would costing a deadbeat thousands of additional dollars help get money to the mother/kids?

I'm just trying to figure out how this helps the kids and what this has to do with Road Safety as its being passed under the 'Ontario Road Safety Act'.
So say he isn't making any payments. Impounding his car and making him most likely pay to get it back out helps who exactly?

I'm not letting the DBDs off, just fail to see how this is gonna help them man up.
RELAX!!! Nothing to be alarmed about unless you are one of the above mentioned subjects.

Ya relax for now, until BigBro decides that all of us are in the same denominator with the mentioned subjects and any type of violation will result in vehicle seizure...
The courts don't seize anything from the father IF he is at least making some kind of payment to the mother. It's the deadbeats that evade, elude, dodge and otherwise circumvent the system that are the ones that this law applies to...and justifiably so!

I've seen many of the welfare moms (if you can call them mothers) use the system to their advantage, but there are also a lot deadbeat fathers who will spend more money fighting in court than it would have cost them just to be responsible and pay part of their childs upbringing. All because they can't stand the mother. Who suffers? The children!

If you're man enough to play, then you damn well better be man enough to pay.

Not wholey correct.

As a father, if you owe 1 darn dollar in unpaid support payments, your drivers license is automatically suspended. There are more criterion to it than that, court process etc, but no judge needs to rule - just a court clerk processing paperwork.
Ya relax for now, until BigBro decides that all of us are in the same denominator with the mentioned subjects and any type of violation will result in vehicle seizure...

Precicely. The government is passing regulations and laws under different (and easier) pretexts to give police and the MTO additional powers, rather than putting the proper sections added to the proper legislation (which takes time, but undergoes proper scrutiny).

I still fail to see how driving with a suspended drivers license (due to family benefits owing) makes one an UNSAFE driver, as this is under the ONTARIO ROAD SAFETY ACT, and how this warrants a 7 days vehicle seizure.
give them an inch, they'll take a mile

swiping someone's property without the involvement of the courts is a crime imo.....and I don't care what the alleged charges are

In the case of the deadbeat dads (my sister continues to have to deal wiht it...and she has had a job, paid lawyers...and so on) the courts have been MORE than involved.

Guys who try to catch up, or even attend court hearings are likely not to be affected by this kind of stuff.

forget about having a car while you are being a deadbeat dad.

It's complicated, i know. But these provisions affect only the biggest douchies in the gene pool. And they exist.
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