Police charge man after motorcyclist killed in July on Bayview


Argh...especially for a u-turn, even if you think you've checked 4-5 times.... SIGNAL THE GODDAMN MANOEUVRE. One day it's gonna be automated cars and we won't have to worry about that jibba jabba
I think the fact that is was a young female rider helped to get the charges laid. Nothing will change however, it is up to us to be vigilant

If you ride, plan for u turns and other irrational car moves , i stay away from taxis for this very reason. Sadly, planning for the unexpected doesnt always work either

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I don't know what it could be pled down too. A very light sentence, perhaps. Don't think you can jump to HTA (Provincial) charge like Careless from a CC (Federal) charge of Dangerous Oper. With that said, we don't know the circumstances and coming evidence/testimony of the driver, witnesses, riders. The burden will be to prove the elements of the offence as outlined:

Dangerous operation of motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft

  • 249 (1) Every one commits an offence who operates
    • (a) a motor vehicle in a manner that is dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances, including the nature, condition and use of the place at which the motor vehicle is being operated and the amount of traffic that at the time is or might reasonably be expected to be at that place;

Could be mistaken and could've been a Careless Driving charge.

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