Please don't become another statistic and show wisdom |

Please don't become another statistic and show wisdom


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I felt compelled to comment on this one even though the riders may not be on this forum. In my 37 years of riding never have I seen such disregard for another rider by other riders. First day out yesterday warming up the tires getting the cobwebs off on my way to fill up with gas, 401 Westbound near Victoria Park @ around 6:15pm. Two sports bike riders with total disregard for my safety let alone their own fly by me in my lane probably within two feet of me. The first on my right the second on my left who also cut across me to get into the collectors. Not sure what you were trying to prove but you could have killed me. I honestly don't want to see you hurt or anyone else for that matter but if you continue to ride like that your season will not end well. I know everyone is excited but remember you represent the whole biking community out there. I like to ride fast like the next person but for goodness sake choose wisdom!
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I had the same kind of thing happen a couple times last year. Covid has created a situation were the squids feel they have carte blanche to do whatever they like. If they don't have the cojones to take it to the track, take their plate #s and report them - show no mercy.
Let the flaming begin...
Not just a covid thing. I was driving (car) on the 401 when a swarm (15-20) of sport bikes blew by WELL over the limit. One passed me then then swirved in front of me with a girl in shorts perched on the back.
I assure you that bad driving (on bikes and cars) is not a new thing and not caused by COVID. Young people on fast bikes with some open road in front of them has led to bad decisions for generations. Most grow out of their reckless tendencies in a few years, but they are quickly replaced by the next group of hooligans. Do your part to be safe (STAY OUT OF THE LEFT LANE) and just let them get far ahead of you. Soon enough, they will be sending messages to boards that start with "I felt compelled to comment on this..."
I witnessed something similar yesterday evening on Hwy 7 between Hwy 27 and Hwy 50. I was riding, saw two SS bikes coming up fast behind me.

Traffic was heavy but didn't stop them from filtering through moving traffic. That wasn't so bad but they were moving quick and cutting back and forth around other traffic. Rev bombing as they went along I guess as warning that they were coming through.

To paraphrase the old TV show, "Squids do the darnedest things".
saw something similar, but it was a middle aged dude in his little benz, trying to goad me into racing him, I didnt take the bait and he predictably got cut off by a car right away and slammed on the brakes looking like a fool
I assure you that bad driving (on bikes and cars) is not a new thing and not caused by COVID. Young people on fast bikes with some open road in front of them has led to bad decisions for generations. Most grow out of their reckless tendencies in a few years, but they are quickly replaced by the next group of hooligans. Do your part to be safe (STAY OUT OF THE LEFT LANE) and just let them get far ahead of you. Soon enough, they will be sending messages to boards that start with "I felt compelled to comment on this..."
While true, covid has created a situation where even if you catch charges there is a very high probability you will never get convicted. Even if courts decide to extend 11b time, they don't have the ability to process the backlog of tickets and most can be beat on failure to provide timely prosecution (imo).
I feel for Sport bike riders who follow the rules and get a bad rep cause of such incidents. I have people at work tell me stuff, and then see the T7 and go 'oh, you aren't like them". Sportbikes riding crazy on public roads, are like ADV/Dirtbiker's going to local hiking trails and parks to roost everyone.
Very common occurrence on the roads within Halton Region, escarpment area.

I used to only have to keep an eye on the cyclists in front but lately, I am looking in my mirror a lot more randomly.
My first reaction was "damn kids these days" but if I'm honest, I did some crap back in my day. Nothing like the OPs experience, but I'm sure I ****** off my fair share. I can't really lecture...

At this point I just want everyone to stay safe, and alive long enough to realize their mistakes. And I wish racetracks were more accessible... if they could take it to the track more easily, I bet a lot of them would.
I saw the same thing last weekend when I was heading north on 410 except some of them had passengers. Not smart at all.
I think you're wasting your time and energy asking these type of people to do anything, especially if you're expressing concern about your safety, which they don't give a sxxx about. They're young and immortal, only time, or maybe a bad accident, will slow them down.
I think you're wasting your time and energy asking these type of people to do anything, especially if you're expressing concern about your safety, which they don't give a sxxx about. They're young and immortal, only time, or maybe a bad accident, will slow them down.
And many of them arent even affected by a near death experience. We have had gtam members that have been in the icu multiple times because of bad choices and they either blame others or yolo and continue on.
As an ex rider that rode like a ******* idiot (as in I was redline shifting, threshold braking, and dragging knee like someone with a suicide wish every ride.)

If others see you, you're doing it wrong. So whoever you two are, ******* pick your spots and ride better!

If you wanna ride like someone with a death wish, find a place where if you **** up, you kill yourself only.

I did an oil change on the bike so I took it for a rip with just my work attire (basically a suit). People stared and I felt so naked :rolleyes:

The road rash if I crash yuckk

I used to do oil and brake pad changes, then test in flip flops, a wife beater, and shorts. I would test via micro stoppies. I was either in a full race suit or 2 piece outside of that.

In hindsight, damn that was really really stupid lol

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