Please Discuss

Had that been Toronto, the mayor and TPS would have managed that much better.
You mean like how they "handled" the G8 protests?
That was epic! Let the protesters feel the heel of a nazi's jack boot.
How many millions (in law suits) did that cost the city of Toronto?
... or the Quebec teachers strike when PQ police tried to START a riot?

... and according to the Ontario Police Act, an Ontario cop is a cop anywhere in Ontario. If a Toronto cop is in Ottawa and sees law breakers, he is expected to arrest them... even if he is not in uniform, even if he is on vacation.
$16.5 million for the class action suit, and there was/is thousands of personal suits.
Remember Adam Nobody? or the one legged retired teacher that the police confiscated his leg? The thousands locked up in wire cages, with no facilities, only to be cut loose with no charges the next day.
Is not a good thing to lose a class action. You injured a WHOLE class of people. That's a pretty wide condemnation.
All of the inquests that followed all condemned Toronto Police Services actions during the G20.
Toronto's international reputation got tarnished. We lost face. The burning police car (that was arguably a staged stunt) was on the front page of a lot of international newspapers the next day. Pravda (state run Russian media) had a field day with it.

BUT sorry, it was the G20, not G8. The G8 was where they spent millions dressing up down town Huntsville and rebuilding the arena... but none of the G8 delegates ever went into Huntsville, and they poured money fixing up North Bay airport... and no one landed there.
It was an expensive month.
Toronto's international reputation got tarnished. We lost face. The burning police car (that was arguably a staged stunt) was on the front page of a lot of international newspapers the next day.

Crown Vic, probably out of service w. half a million Ks on the clock, may have been towed to the festivities, then immediately abandoned. I vote staged.
One that never made it to the auction.

Halton kept at least one. They would park it in one of their fishing holes, moving it to a new hole every few days. I saw FAKE COP spray painted on it one time, then it went away.
Halton kept at least one. They would park it in one of their fishing holes, moving it to a new hole every few days. I saw FAKE COP spray painted on it one time, then it went away.
I see a couple off of 15 sideroad just west of the looping curve. Looking it up says 4th line
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I see a couple off of 15 sideroad just west of the looping curve. Looking it up says 4th line
I don't know if it's still there but for years a really expensive house on Dufferin Street in King had one in a bend of their winding driveway. Probably kept down the traffic from people snooping.
Many years ago the OPP thought it was a good idea to park an un-attended cruiser in a couple of very visible spots where there were lots of speeders.
... someone burnt two of them to the ground one weekend.
I remember the fake cruisers on long weekends . The setting them ablaze was just funny ( to me )

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Fair warning;

If we’re going to discuss old crown Vic’s instead of the courts decision on government power usage then this shall hit Trash Talk sooner rather than later.
It's kinda funny, till you realize it's out tax money paying for the replacements...

Please. We're talking about cars that were well past their best before date. Even money on whether they'd pull more at the auction or the scrap yard.
The part of invoking the act that worries me the most, is how many bureaucrats seemed to have been involved in the decision, as told to the inquiry.
Like anything labeled 'Sun', Breibart or Rebel News ? They don't have any agenda, do they ?
JT funds the media - other than the CBC the federal gov supports no media that I know of ?
One does not negotiate or engage in open dialogue with people that are not protestors but simple sh*t disturbers.
There's plenty of evidence to suggest the ram ranchers didn't want to negotiate - they wanted the governor general to shut down parliament and take JT away in handcuffs while blowing their horns and playing in the bouncy castles.
Please, if I hear 'do your homework' one more time I'm going to scream.
FOR THE RECORD (again) I am no fan of JT but the ram ranchers could have come to town, made their point and left.
They chose not to, Ottawa Police, the OPP and RCMP chose to do nothing. What was left ?
If you lived in Ottawa or near one of the blockaded border crossings instead of Brantford you may have had a different perspective.
End of rant, as you were...
The protests were against provincial health department mandates, restaurants closed etc. Those should be protested in Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton etc

The protests were also against the US border being closed. Protest those in Washington DC if you don't mind getting shot as you force your way in.

JT couldn't do an thing if he wanted and would just look like a chump.

People hate JT and were angry at the Covid rules and needed someone to bash. He was a convenient pinata.

Considering how off target they were they got massive world press from people that don't understand our laws.
I think you can simply call it an epic law enforcement failure. Had that been Toronto, the mayor and TPS would have managed that much better.
The convoy tried to set up in Toronto. Toronto cops wouldn't let them park anywhere and wouldn't let them get near Queens Park, and a bunch of citizens gave them a piece of their minds. Off they went.

They tried Montreal. The cops there gave them the use of a certain street until 5 pm, at 5:05 they would start writing tickets and at 5:10 they would start towing. Off they went.

They tried Vancouver. A bunch of citizens on bicycles diverted them and stopped them from being able to get to where they wanted to go and prevented them from gathering in any one spot. Off they went.

Mind you, all of these places had the benefit of seeing what was happening in Ottawa.

What Ottawa probably should have done was divert incoming protest vehicles to a secure parking area away from downtown, and made them walk. (People are allowed to protest peacefully. Trucks aren't.) No overnight parking ... get out of town.

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