Ping Scheller - Let's chat Obama


Obama gets David Caruso'd , that is the funniest **** posted this year, well played.
A one-sided debate often is. Mike's not changing Schneller's opinion and vice versa - futile and tedious indeed.

I started this post to discuss Schneller's claim that he like's Obama.

After posting a number of interesting facts about Obama, Schneller's comment was our worldviews are different and he's good with his. Yep, that an engaging, logical, and "pro-intellectual" based discussion.
I think this pot is empty from being stirred to much.
Arguing with a Republican is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on everything, then strut around like it's won.

Judging by the content of this post the Liberal is the one knocking over the pieces & crapping on everything.
I'm not sure what you don't get, or what you want, Mike. You asked why I like Obama, and I gave you some reasons. You posted some republican rhetoric. Am I going to change your mind on this? I don't think so. Are you going to change my mind? No. So why do you want me to continue? Futile and tedious.
I'm not sure what you don't get, or what you want, Mike. You asked why I like Obama, and I gave you some reasons. You posted some republican rhetoric. Am I going to change your mind on this? I don't think so. Are you going to change my mind? No. So why do you want me to continue? Futile and tedious.

I think the only reason you gave was that you liked the ideological concept of nationalized healthcare. If there are others please advise. You certainly did make a number of other claims relating to Muslims/Christianity/gay rights, etc which I'm happy to chat about as well, but the original topic was "why do you like Obama".

On what I posted, republican rhetoric?

So What you're saying is there is absolutely no reality to Obama circumventing congress, abusing his EO powers, complete absolute blatent lying about obamacare, spying on US Citizens illegally, Fast and the Furious, Benghazi, the Ukraine debacle. Of course if you like him for all of these reasons, up to you.

And btw, I'm not asking you to continue, it's actually up to you.

You claim you won't change my mind, how do you know? You claiming you won't change yours is of course up to you.

If you only want to talk with people that agree with you then the best thing you can do is get yourself a mirror as you're guaranteed never to get into an argument. But as I've pointed out numerous times, that would seem to conflict with your pro-intellectual position.

I actually vote conservative. But thanks for coming out.

What did I come out with? I wasn't even talking about you.
Guilty conscience need no accuser?
What did I come out with? I wasn't even talking about you.
Guilty conscience need no accuser?

Da Fuk? You quoted a post by Neil V, and then had 'Judging by the content of this post ' - who were you talking about then - vague much?
The USA top-dog status is fading - Obama is not helping it either.

Edward Snowden, the man responsible for the most significant leaks in US history is nicely sheltered in Russia. Putin is LOL'ing in Obama's face.

I once heard a great quote from Robert Amsterdam who represented Mikhail Khodorkovsky (richest Russian, previously jailed by Putin on alleged charges) - he said the reason it was so difficult to deal with the Russians is because the "default mentality" was to be a thug/gangster.

I'm not against Obama per se, however the US got put firmly in place. Not so tough after all it seems... (especially for a proclaimed super power)
Da Fuk? You quoted a post by Neil V, and then had 'Judging by the content of this post ' - who were you talking about then - vague much?

Shucks, I meant this "thread" not "post" my bad.
Move along kids, nothing to see here
Arguing with a Republican is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on everything, then strut around like it's won.

The original quote is about Creationist.

Also no "We have always been at war with Eurasia" quotes on either this thread or the Ukraine one...makes me sad
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Higher intelligence is associated with liberal political ideology, atheism, and men's (but not women's) preference for sexual exclusivity. More intelligent people are statistically more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to human evolution. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds.

The deathblow:
In the current study, Kanazawa argues that humans are evolutionarily designed to be conservative, caring mostly about their family and friends, and being liberal, caring about an indefinite number of genetically unrelated strangers they never meet or interact with, is evolutionarily novel. So more intelligent children may be more likely to grow up to be liberals.

Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) support Kanazawa's hypothesis. Young adults who subjectively identify themselves as "very liberal" have an average IQ of 106 during adolescence while those who identify themselves as "very conservative" have an average IQ of 95 during adolescence.

Some years ago I was on a motorcycle trip intoTennessee. I stopped in a small town coffee shop and beside the till was a collection box for a local resident who needed a kidney transplant but couldn't afford the operation and didn't have insurance that would cover it. I like Obama because he is trying to institute a national health care system to look after people like that. To make it happen, health insurance costs of wealthier citizens would go up a bit. I'm okay with that. That's how it works in Canada and in most every other first world nation.

We’ve been hearing about one negative aspect of Obamacare after another. Two years ago I reported on some 20 different taxes that were being imposed by Obamacare. From increases in taxes on dividends and medical devices, to increasing the medical deductions that you subtract from your itemized federal income tax from 7.5% to 10%.
According to a recent report from the Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics at the Nation Right to Life Committee, Obamacare is also imposing a 40% excise tax:
“Obamacare imposes a 40% excise tax on employer-paid health insurance premiums above a governmentally imposed limit that does not keep up with medical inflation. Consequently, insurance companies will be forced to impose increasingly severe restraints on policy-holders’ access to medical diagnosis and treatment—limits that will make it harder to get often-expensive treatments essential to combatting life-threatening illnesses.”
Lots of opinion mixed in with some specific claims, I thought I'd put the claims to the test for chicks and giggles. Keep in mind this from the same people who deny climate change and beleive the universe was created pretty much as-is with the wave of a magic wand. So, kinda a waste of time but it should be easy to disprove, and for all the effort Slobrain Mike put into cutting and pasting, I figured he'd earned the reply.

It was actually hard to read through all the whiny baby crap to get to something that should be verifiable, which I finally landed on here;
Obama is the law.....

"This week the non-partisan CBO finally reported the truth – Obamacare is the perfect job-killing machine. Millions have already been downsized from full-time to part-time work and now we know from the CBO that an additional 2.3 million jobs will be eliminated."

So let's check it out. The link points to a Fox news article rather than the CBO report that is the source of their claim. Interesting. Much more interesting is that even Fox doesn't make the claim they made. In essence, Fox complains that over the next 10 years Obamacare will give up to 2.3 million people the option to work less (part-time, or on one salary for the household) because they won't be tied to their jobs for the health benefits. Kinda of an emancipation (which is apparently a bad thing). Fox would prefer to have more people more deeply tied up to indentured servitude in order to retain their health.

Not exactly the spin Schlomo Mike is putting on the story.

But wait, there's more. I tried looking up the original source on to see what twists Fox put on the truth. Unfortunately they don't link to or name the report, and there are a few reports on their site from that date (Mar 4) that might contain that info. I searched them all and came up with nothing.

The closest report that fits the bill is this one; (it's something reporters could analyze in one day, and its title refers to updated estimates. But still nothing there about the 2.3 million jobs. Odd.

What I did come across in that report was a reference to a letter in reply to the Republican leader about the cost of his bill to repeal Obamacare, right here;

They summarize; "CBO and JCT estimate that, on balance, the direct spending and revenue effects of enacting that legislation would cause a net increase in federal budget deficits of $109 billion over the 2013–2022 period."

So where's the outrage that Boehner wants to cut healthcare to Americans at a cost of $10 billion a year? I have to imagine that the obstructionist, climate denying, creationist, tea partying, anti-science birthers just think that makes good sense!
Wheeee......this is why certain people should never be given access to google without understanding what filters are.

I'm still waiting for the "we never set foot on the moon, it's all a scam" google posts. Those are always fun.
300,000-Member Union Drops Bombshell Obamacare Report

by Wynton Hall
The 300,000-member union that was the first to endorse then-Senator Barack Obama has released a devastating Obamacare report that says Obama's controversial healthcare program will slash worker wages by up to $5 an hour, reduce worker hours, and exacerbate income inequality.
The report by Unite Here--a North American labor union that represents workers in the hotel, gaming, food service, manufacturing, textile, distribution, laundry, and airport industries--is titled: "The Irony of ObamaCare: Making Inequality Worse."
"Ironically, the Administration's own signature healthcare victory poses one of the most immediate challenges to redressing inequality," states the 12-page report. "We take seriously the promise that 'if you like your health plan, you can keep it. Period.' UNITE HERE members like their health plans."

The report features first-person testimonials and photos of union members describing how Obamacare is personally hurting them and their families--the same kinds of stories that Majority Senator Harry Reid said are "all untrue" and that progressive New York Times columnist Paul Krugman mocked as"nonexistent" in his piece "Health Care Horror Hooey."

Arturo Marquez, a single father with two children who works as a cook, explains how Obamacare is hurting him:

"I'm a single dad and need every penny for my kids. The best deal Obamacare could offer me would take $1,908 more than our union plan. That's like a dollar an hour pay cut. If I get really sick and wind up in the hospital, they can charge me $3,700 more out of pocket. I can't imagine taking care of my son and daughter while taking a $2.70 an hour pay cut," says Marquez.

Another union member, housekeeper Angela Portillo explained how Obamacare is hurting she and her husband:

"Housekeeping is a tough job--many of us suffer serious injuries doing this work. And Obamacare would cause my husband and I even more pain. The Obamacare website says we would have to pay $8,057.04 a year more to keep the great insurance we have now. That's a $3.87 per hour pay cut. We work hard for our insurance. Why should we have to take a cut in pay for it?" says Portillo.

Food service worker Earl Baskerville feels the same way, according to the report:

"The health care crisis hit our workplace hard. We tried three different plans in a three year contract. When the for-profit insurance companies were going through the roof, we switched our union's plan to keep good benefits. But Obamacare will give government money to those plans and not ours. Obamacare would cost me $4,855.20 a year more, or a $2.33 an hour pay cut. That's not right. We just want to be treated like everyone else," says Baskerville.

Last week, Unite Here Donald Taylor discussed the possibility of a union worker strike over Obamacare and said- "Even though the president and Congress promised we could keep our health plan, the reality is, unless the law is fixed, that won't be true."

The Unite Here report further exacerbates Democrats' already daunting electoral hurdles heading into the midterm elections, now less than eight months away.

Union members are not alone in opposing Obamacare. According to the latest RealClearPolitics average of polls, just 38% of Americans now support Obamacare.
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