Photographer - CTMP August 12


Well-known member
Hey Guys,
I'll be at CTMP tomorrow for the Pro6 day, DSLR in hand.

Let me know your bike number, make/model and group and I'll see about getting pictures of you.
Low res versions with a water mark will be free, high res versions will be available once edited, for a donation to cover gas and camera costs.

Have fun!

*Mods - if this breaks any GTAM rules, please let me know and remove this thread.
Hey Guys,
I will throw up a GoogleDrive link in this thread by sometime Friday with any luck. Have about 1300 photos to inspect at the moment. Will throw out the lousy ones, crop some, etc. Please be patient with me!

Sorry I was really only at the 1 corner all day - Pro6 was limiting the locations I could shoot from to along the hot pit lane. Everything else was off limits.
they wouldnt even let me in so you were lucky lol
Had to pre-register as pit crew for a rider, and fill in 2 separate waivers beforehand.
Hey Everyone...
Green is up. 458 images.
Yellow is up. 493 images.
Red is up. 146 images. Sorry guys - memory card corrupted, and has subsequently found it's way into the trash after a close-up meeting with a hammer and anvil.

Last edited:
R. FOX! ZX-14. #349
Please contact me directly with your email address!
Received your payment and photo numbers, but no email address. Please send ASAP!

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