Absolutely not. If a cop sees something or is called to assist someone who has, he is a citizen who may exercise the discretion to intervene and enforce a law. Building machines to control people's behaviour is just repression.
I read Bill Blair's comments on this in the newspaper and this is just political blackmail over his budget being capped. When the police can threaten to impose totalitarian systems if they aren't given more money, we have a real problem.
Sounds very much like Blair wants to shift certain costs onto general city coffers, instead of his budget. After hearing his comments live I think that perhaps he should consider a different option: NOT WASTING HIS MEN ON SPEED TRAPS. They don't provide enforcement for anything other than simple speed which, in and of itself, isn't necessarily the worst offence that his officers could be enforcing. I don't see many/any of them sitting at red lights and enforcing that particular law either.
Then there are his comments regarding an expansion of red light camera usage, to cover illegal turns. This is possible via the technology, but is not support by law where the section of the HTA pertaining to what red light cameras can be used for is concerned.