pffff i dont see the big deal about a monkey shopping at ikea

The monkey wasen't harmed in any way and looked like he was cared for properly. Heck, his coat is better than many people. Not sure why everyone is up in arms. I found it funny. return him to his owner.

Sad thing is that he probably do a better job.

Its an illegal exotic. They broke the law thats why.

If a Boa constrictor crawls in my house, i'd freak out

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The woman who owned it is a moron. She should not nor should anyone own a pet monkey. Not to mention the communicable diseases these animals are capable of carrying. It wouldn't be in a dirty cage if it hadn't been taken from its natural habitat in the first place. These people taking wild animals and keeping them as pets generally ends in disaster. Maybe she will get a chimp next and it will get mad and rip her face and genitals off. Then OHIP can pay for her new bits. She sounds like a typical entitled idiot living her life with zero accountability for her actions.
Meh, you can see stranger things walking around Wall Mart any day of the week

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