pffff i dont see the big deal about a monkey shopping at ikea


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That schnit can eat yo face

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I like his swanky coat. :munky2:
I heard monkey brains is good for u

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SOOOOOOOO CUTE <3...nothing this exciting ever happened when I worked there :(
No monkeys allowed! GTFO!
lol :lmao:
The monkey wasen't harmed in any way and looked like he was cared for properly. Heck, his coat is better than many people. Not sure why everyone is up in arms. I found it funny. return him to his owner.

Sad thing is that he probably do a better job.

Ikea Monkey for major of Toronto !!!

It's a win-win situation
I was a bit disturbed by the interview with the primate shelter person who basically took a holier than thou attitude on how they are "letting him be himself" and other "the government can do better than you" garbage. When it was obvious all they did was put in him a dirty cage with other monkeys.
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