Peterborough runs ?

To the OP, add me to the PM list. I'm up that way all the time. Originally from Bobcaygeon. 503 and 507 are great, a lot of places up there. Cheers.
I don't think Dave has organized any yet. You can join the squid crew down at Tim Hortons on George Street almost every night. Not sure how often they actually leave the city though.
Fixed that for you, Ty.

LOL, Thanks Shewie, that about sums it up. We'll have to go on a run this summer as well.
Just got my M1 and my first bike. Let me know if there's any rides going on after 5pm or on weekends and I'll try my best to make it out.
I'm in between Ptbo and bowmanville. I would be up for a ride sometime. Let me know when and where. Thanks.

I'll post here or on the other PTBO thread if we go this Tuesday. Likely leave Bowmanville around 7ish.
Leaving Bowmanville around 7ish. Not sure of the route yet as last week we hit some construction. If you want to come be in the plaza at corner of Mearns and Concession (Bowmanville) at 7. I'll drive through at 7 but I'm not waiting for anyone.

Just so you get an idea of the ride it is not M1 friendly and likely not cruiser friendly. Altough it isn't a race to get there the pace is spirited (sorry no noobs and CRB125's will not keep up). We usually hit Peterborugh around 9-930 so feel free to meet us up there and say hello or join for the ride home.
If anyone is up for it this week meet up at the Tim ho's in Bowmanville on Waverly and baseline rd we will be leaving 7:30 sharp!
I think speedfreak sold his bike, but now 100% sure. Dunno if anyone else is going to get it started.
He still has it. I'll likely do a few runs up this year. Dr Manhatten, if you want to go for some daytrip rides pm me your cell and I'll let you know when I'm going.
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