I've 3 dogs that cost as much as my bike to insure each month - but I have been paying! Here is my opinion: pay for insurance for the first year of any pup's life - it will give you time to determine if the hound is a "chewer" or whatever. If he goes a year with no issues than start setting aside $60 each month. Repeat per dog. If he chews/swallows/eats... - continue with the policy but be prepared to call your insurer and *****. I do it with each claim and generally they will listen to you and your vets reason - but be assured that their first reaction is to deny future claims that are similar to the claim just submitted. If I had to give just a general opinion I would say the industry is, generally, a scam. Having said that, my Golden just needed a $3000 surgery that was covered. Now we are arguing whether or not it was genetic or an injury - which matters for future claims. PM me for details/suggestions if you like. We use PetSmart... have to argue with them constantly... every claim.... bad experience!
If you have to argue with your SP each time, id avoid them. Go with someone else. This is the only reason i didnt get it, thinking that each time i submit something they would want to deny it.