Perfect bike:-Next best thing???

The "Next Best Thing to a Perfect New Bike" is finding, repairing and restoring a Vintage Bike which has been left for decades in a shed or barn to rust away (fixing it, repairing it, finding missing parts, rebuilding it, restoring it, starting it up and going for a ride on it.
And - in those halcyon minutes on that first ride - be able to turn back the clock. And recall what, once upon a time, motorcycling on those traffic-free empty roads really was like.


I like the look of the old R80s, but I'm nowhere near competent enough with a wrench to restore one.

I'm the kind of guy that would buy a project bike, then sell it two years later in more pieces than I bought it with, parts drenched in my blood, sweat and tears. Lots and lots of tears...

Turnkey-wise, I'd get a cafe racer styled like this:


My buddy has a saying: "I'm the character - not the road!"

I like both old and new roads.

If I know the twists and turns on a road or trail I've done countless times before, I can push it a bit more and have fun doing it. Either swing the rear out super-wide on gravel, or get a nice and low lean angle on pavement.

I also like new roads/trails and the scenery that comes with.
You have some smart buddies!
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